Human & Cultural Diversity Impact on Globalization I already have the early draft includes everything expect for introduction and conclusion. However, I ha
Human & Cultural Diversity Impact on Globalization I already have the early draft includes everything expect for introduction and conclusion. However, I have uploaded the requirements with early draft and chapter that i used for the early draft in case you need it. Your essay must be well organized and structured coherently, with an introduction (Links to
an external site.)Links to an external site., clear thesis statement (Links to an external
site.)Links to an external site., well-organized body points, and a conclusion (Links to an
external site.)Links to an external site.. As part of your essay, you must:
Explain one concept from your assigned chapter in the Globalization book (the little
book), using your own words. Offer any necessary background.
Advance the argument you make in your thesis statement, using your research to support
your thesis.
Clearly state the supporting and opposing perspectives you found in your research. You
should paraphrase as much as possible. Include APA style in-text citations (Links to an
external site.)Links to an external site. that attribute credit appropriately when discussing
your sources’ perspectives. You must cite your sources and attribute credit even when
you are paraphrasing. Failure to cite sources and attribute credit
constitutes plagiarism (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
Clearly state your own perspective. This should be clearly and professionally integrated.
Using the first person “I” (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. is
Essay Minimum Requirements:
Minimum 450 words
A clear, concise, coherent thesis statement (Links to an external site.)Links to an external
site.that makes a case/presents an argument.
Clear, well organized, and easy to follow structural organization. Your essay must include
a clear, useful, and easily discernible introduction (Links to an external site.)Links to an
external site.and conclusion (see the linked resources for information on how to
write introductions (Links to an external site.)Links to an external
site. and conclusions (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.).
You must use and cite three sources – your textbook, a credible agreeing source, and a
credible disagreeing source – and your own perspective.
You must use APA formatting (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.for
your references, and you must cite your sources appropriately. For example, cite news
articles as news articles (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., academic
journal articles as academic journal articles (Links to an external site.)Links to an external
site., and government documents as government documents (Links to an external
site.)Links to an external site., etc. You can find a sample APA reference page here (Links
to an external site.)Links to an external site..
This assignment will close on February 3, at 11:59 pm. All submissions are due before that
Essay 1 Rubric
Essay 1 Rubric
This criterion is linked to
a Learning
To earn credit in this
section, a clear, concise,
coherent thesis statement
must be included. The
thesis statement must be
easily discernable, and
appear as the last or
second to last sentence of
the introduction. The
thesis statement must
embody all of the
characteristics discussed
in the linked information,
and discussed in the class
This criterion is linked to
a Learning
To earn credit in this
section, a clear
introduction must be
included. The
introduction must follow
the guidelines of the
linked information in the
assignment description.
The introduction will end
with the thesis statement
as the last or second to
last sentence.
6.0 pts
3.0 pts
Something like a thesis statement
was included, but it may have
been unclear, wordy, improperly
placed, poorly written, difficult to
understand, more than one
sentence, etc.
2.0 pts
A clear
introduction is
0.0 pts
A thesis statement
was either not
discernable, or
0.0 pts
No introduction was included, or the
introduction was insubstantial or unclear to
the point of being ineffective.
6.0 pts
2.0 pts
Essay 1 Rubric
This criterion is linked to
a Learning
To earn credit in this
section, a clear
conclusion must be
included. The conclusion
must follow the
guidelines of the linked
information in the
assignment description.
This criterion is linked to
a Learning
Book Inclusion
To earn credit in this
section, students must
include and cite the
Globalization book by
Manfred Stager.
This criterion is linked to
a Learning
OutcomeCredible Source
that Agrees
To earn credit in this
section, students must
include, discuss, and cite
a credible source that
agrees with the textbook.
The source may NOT be
authored or coauthored
by Manfred Stager, the
author of the
Globalization book.
2.0 pts
A clear
conclusion is
3.0 pts
3.0 pts
0.0 pts
No conclusion was included, or the
conclusion was insubstantial or unclear to the
point of being ineffective.
1.5 pts
It is clear that the
Globalization book is
being discussed by the
writer, but the
identification of the
source is unclear in some
way, cited incorrectly,
1.5 pts
It is clear that an
agreeing source is
being discussed by
the writer, but the
identification of the
source is unclear in
some way, cited
incorrectly, etc.
0.0 pts
Mention of the
Globalization book is
missing, OR a book is
mentioned, but it is
unclear what book the
writer is referring to.
0.0 pts
No agreeing source is
identified. Although it may
be clear that the student is
writing about multiple
perspectives, it may not be
clear that the perspectives
belong to a source other
than the student or the
Globalization book author.
2.0 pts
3.0 pts
3.0 pts
Essay 1 Rubric
This criterion is linked to
a Learning
OutcomeCredible Source
that Disagrees
To earn credit in this
section, students must
include, discuss, and cite
a credible source that
disagrees with the
textbook. The source may
NOT be authored or
coauthored by Manfred
Stager, the author of the
Globalization book.
This criterion is linked to
a Learning
OutcomeStudent’s Stance
To earn credit in this
section, students must
include their own stance
on the concept. It must be
clear that the student is
discussing their own
stance. Based on their
research, students may
stand firmly on one side
or another, may have an
alternate perspective, or
might see connections
between multiple
perspectives. Students
should use the first
person “I” when
discussing their
3.0 pts
3.0 pts
1.5 pts
It is clear that a
disagreeing source is
being discussed by
the writer, but the
identification of the
source is unclear in
some way, cited
incorrectly, etc.
0.0 pts
No disagreeing source is
identified. Although it may
be clear that the student is
writing about multiple
perspectives, it may not be
clear that the perspectives
belong to a source other
than the student or the
Globalization book author.
3.0 pts
1.5 pts
The student mentioned
their perspective but
did not discuss it
0.0 pts
The student’s perspective
is not included, OR it is
unclear that the perspective
belongs to them.
3.0 pts
Essay 1 Rubric
This criterion is linked to
a Learning OutcomeIntext Citations
To earn credit in this
section, students must
include in-text and
reference list citations for
all sources, and citations
must be formatted
according to APA
citation standards.
This criterion is linked to
a Learning
OutcomeReference List
To earn credit in this
section, students must
include all three sources
(Globalization book,
agreeing, and
disagreeing) in the
reference list. The
reference list must be
formatted according to
APA citation standards.
4.0 pts
In-text citations are
included for all
sources, and are
formatted according
to APA citation
4.0 pts
The reference list
includes Manfred
Stager, a source
that agrees, and a
source that
disagrees, and is
formatted to
2.0 pts
APA formatted in-text
citations are only
included for 2 of the 3
required sources, OR intext citations are
included, but are not
formatted to APA
2.0 pts
Sources mentioned
before are included,
and a citation format
resembling APA
was used, but the
apparent use of a
citation machine
copy/paste method
left the citation with
glaring errors, such
as all caps, repeated
information, dates in
multiple places,
quotation marks, etc.
0.0 pts
citations are
not included.
0.0 pts
No reference list was
provided; OR the
sources were cited as
the wrong document
type (e.g., a journal
article, book, etc. was
cited as a website);
OR fewer than the 3
required references
were provided; OR
references for all 3
required sources
were provided, but
the wrong citation
standard was used;
OR urls were
provided without
formatting; etc.
4.0 pts
4.0 pts
Essay 1 Rubric
Total Points: 30.0
Social Dynamics and Globalization
Social Dynamics and Globalization
Social Dynamics and Globalization
Social Dynamics and Globalization
One of the most controversial issues that have drawn lots of debates in the contemporary
world is that of globalization. Undeniably, this is an issue that has been viewed differently by
diverse individuals. In many literary and academic journals, globalization has been widely
applied to describe a condition, a system, a process of even an age. However, a prompt
understanding of globalization can only be obtained through the view of social dynamics that are
apparent in modern society. Understanding globalization from the perspective of social dynamics
is much interesting compared to other detailed aspects. Globalization should be understood on
the grounds of a social condition, one which is characterized by strong global political, economic
and cultural interconnections. Individuals are given the mandate not to overlook the fact that
globalization is upon everyone. Just like any other social norm, globalization is significantly
giving way to new constellations.
In the textbook, the authors comprehensively present on how the issue of globalization
can be clearly understood on the prospects of social dynamics. Using an illustration of two
individual, Shakira, and Diego Forlan, the author presents how these two individuals role during
the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Despite coming from diverse social, they were able to provide an
understanding of the process of globalization from a more global-locus context (Steger, 2010,).
The method of globalization should be typically viewed as a set of social processes that are
projected to transform the social condition of conventional nationality into one globalism.
Despite all these comprehensive illustrations on the idea of globalization, other individuals have
supported it while others have got a different view on the process of globalization.
On an article written by Levin Institute, this corporate author provides a separate view on
the aspect of globalization. On this context, the author presents the issue of globalization on a
Social Dynamics and Globalization
more economical prospect rather than a social prospect. Definably, it describes globalization as
the process where interaction between individuals, companies, and governments is more
propelled by investment and international trade aided by information technology (LEVIN
institute, 2017). Besides, globalization is illustrated as an aspect that has got lots of diverse
effects on culture, political systems, prosperity and economic developments as a whole. With
the increased levels of technology, trade and investments have been enhanced thus bringing
regular events to the global economy. Current policies that have been developed have precisely
driven globalization, opening economies both domestically and internationally. Globalization is
an aspect that has given developing countries the opportunity to grow economically, raising the
living standards of citizens.
Shanta Sharma, Ph.D. holder and a professor of sociology significantly write a
fascinating article on how globalization has widely affected the world society. Just as described
in the textbook, Shanta depicts how globalization is an uneven process, one which has various
social effects on different individuals on different parts of the world. The article continues to
illustrate how globalization has brought widened the gaps between countries (Sharma, 2004,). It
includes regarding income, education, poverty levels, and other social perspectives. However,
despite all these impacts, the positive impact of movements towards a more intense form of
connectivity and integration is an aspect that cannot be overlooked. All in all, this article
similarly depicts how societal dynamics plays a vital role in the process of globalization. Social
dynamics is an issue that indeed has an integral part towards describing the process of
Social Dynamics and Globalization
Thesis: Apparently, reviewing the social dynamics present in the modern world presents
a quick and ideal understanding of the issue of globalization as compared to other prospects such
as political and economic.
Social Dynamics and Globalization
LEVIN institute. (2017). What Is Globalization? | Globalization101. Retrieved from
Sharma, S. (2004). Impact of Globalization on World Society. Impact of Globalization on
World Society, 1-38.
Steger, M. B. (2010). Globalization. Sterling Publishing Company.
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