School A student wears the following shirt: Hi Buddyplease answer the questionsyou will find the details inside the files Please respond to the following p

School A student wears the following shirt: Hi Buddyplease answer the questionsyou will find the details inside the files Please respond to the following post by answering the questions. You are also required to
respond to one post from a classmate as well.
A student wears the following shirt:1-2-3-4
Each t-shirt has a message. Refer to your current student dress code (the code you use at your
current place of employment). If you do not have employment in a school, use your
neighborhood school, or a school you are familiar with. Dress codes should be posted on school
websites. Also, use school examples that do not have a uniform for students. My private school
people should look at a public school dress code.
How would you deal with each shirt utilizing your current code? What would be the
consequences for each student? Explain the conversation you would have with each student.
Two of the shirts relate to political statements. How would you (as a school administrator)
handle those shirts? Would you discipline the students who wore them? If you did discipline
them, how would you respond to a student who said they have the right to express their politcal
opinions via clothing? How would you respond to the parents of these students who ask you
why their child was being singled out for who they support politically and/or socially?
The first student wore his shirt (Sofa…) for 3 weeks before being sent to the office by an astute
teacher. The second student wore his shirt (hidden message shirt) for a semester before someone
told a teacher about the hidden message. The third student wore her shirt (Make America…) for
3 days before other students came to the office to say they were offended by the shirt’s political
message. The fourth student wore his shirt (football player) for a week before two students
yelled obscenities toward him because their parents are veterans.
How would you (as a school administrator) handle each situation?
How would you handle teachers, and staff who allowed this shirts to pass for multiple days? Be
careful in your answer.
Example 1
My school district requires students to wear uniforms, thus I looked at the dress code from a
neighboring school. Based on this school’s dress code t-shirts 3 and 4 would not require a
consequence. The school’s dress code states:” students in all grades are prohibited from
wearing clothing and accessories that promote alcohol, tobacco, or drug usage or that depict
weapons or violence and that cause or are likely to cause a disruption within the school
environment; ” As an administrator I would need to determine how much of a disruption these
shirts will cause to the school environment. I would argue using the Tinker case as an example,
as it states in our first article, “undifferentiated fear or apprehension of student disturbance is not
enough to overcome the right to freedom of expression.”
Based on this school’s dress code t-shirts 1 and 2 will be a problem. Part 4 of the student’s
dress code states that, “students in all grades are prohibited from wearing clothing, accessories
and/or any words, pictures, diagrams, etc., thereon that are lewd, vulgar, indecent, plainly
offensive or that cause or are likely to cause a material disruption.” These shirts may be
considered by some to be vulgar and offensive. I would follow the district’s discipline policy
which would be to first conference with the students. I would explain to the student that their
attire is in violation of the student dress code and provide the student with a copy of the student
dress code policy. If the problem continues than I’d have to contact the parents and explain the
situation and also reiterate the school’s dress code policy. This would be considered a level 2
offense, therefore the student may receive a detention if the first two interventions did not work.
During a professional development opportunity or teacher institute day, I would review the
school’s dress code policy with the teachers. Perhaps it’s something they are not completely
aware of. Also, they might not have known that some of the shirts were lewd and inappropriate. I
myself had no idea what t-shirt 2 meant. Providing teachers with the necessary training and allow
for questions from the staff is a very proactive way to combat this issue.
PLEASE respond to the post in three or four sentences.
Example 2
According to the Parent/Student Handbook, a student’s dress and grooming must not disrupt the
educational process, interfere with the maintenance of a positive teaching/learning climate, or
compromise reasonable standards of health, safety, modesty and decency as determined by the building
principal, the Superintendent and/or Board of School Inspectors. Clothing must also meet the following
standards: clothing must effectively cover the student’s torso and be opaque. Underwear must be
covered. Bare midriffs are not permitted. Prohibited shirts include, but are not limited to, backless, one
shoulder, strapless, or thin-strapped shirts or blouses unless another conforming shirt is worn over
them. Also prohibited is clothing with revealing holes or low-cut necklines. Shorts and skirts must come
to at least midthigh. Painting of the face and/or hair is not permitted unless special permission has been
given by the principal.
Students not complying with the appearance standards will be asked to change clothes or to turn their
clothing inside out. Parents may be called to bring appropriate clothing. Any student who comes to
school without proper attention to personal cleanliness and/ or appropriate dress may be removed from
class or sent home to be properly prepared for school. Students whose dress causes a substantial
disruption of the orderly process of school functions or endangers the health or safety of the student,
other students, staff, or others may be subject to discipline
T-shirt 1 and 2 violate the school dress code policy .
I would have a conversation with students to explain why/how their shirts violate the dress code. I
would not discipline the students at this time but would follow the handbook and ask them either to
turn their shirt inside out or call home for a new shirt.
T-shirt 3 and T-shirt 4 can potentially violate the dress code by disrupting and interfering a positive
learning environment. I would have a conversation with these students and allow them to openly share
their views and feelings, but I would also explain to the students how their shirts can be interpreted by
others and how it may make others feel. I would explain to the students how their shirts could disrupt a
positive learning culture which would means they would be violating the dress code. The goal of this
conversation would be to have students be more aware and conscious of others feelings and beliefs. I
would not discipline these students but would follow the handbook and ask that they either turn their
shirt inside out or call home for a new shirt.
In order to respond to parents, I would have a conversation with them reviewing and explaining the
dress code policy within the handbook. I would just reiterate that the policies in the handbook will be
enforced to ensure a safe and positive learning environment for all students.
Staff- My goal for working with staff would be to communicate with those involved to understand the
whole story. I would like to know the conversations that may or may not have happened in the previous
weeks about the shirts. I would also like to know what has been happening the classroom that may have
caused the shirt to become problem at this time. The intention of the conversations would not be to
blame or discipline the teacher but to reflect and have a “plan” in place for the future.
Please respond to the following post. You are also required to respond to one post from a classmate as
A student posts a picture of the school’s principal on Instagram that she took without his knowledge.
The student creates a hashtag for the principal that reads as: #ourprincipaltheblob. The comments
posted are demeaning towards the principal, and usually refer to his style of dress and weight. All of the
posts were done on Saturday nights; no evidence shows that any posts were done during the school day
(or during regularly scheduled school week days).
1- Can the school discipline the student? If so, what basis will be used to assign consequences.
What will be the school’s answer when the student says that she has the freedom to express
her opinion about a person, and all of her online talk was done outside of school hours?
There isn’t anything noting cellular use during the day that isn’t permissible except for that of use
being unauthorized or inappropriate. This vague area could allow for what the student did -taking
the picture of the principal – to fall under this category of disciplinary action. Since the principal
didn’t give consent to post that picture-the student’s action would be in violation of how the
student used the technology device on school grounds. Additionally, the phone could be confiscated
and not returned until the parent is present -at this point I would want the parents in for a meeting
to discuss the incident that had occurred and what other damages could come out of a picture being
posted as such with remarks being made. I would also have another administrator present as this
particular post would have been about me and want another administrator there for my protection.
As far as the actual posting of the remarks is concerned, there is a section on ridicule (not indicating
on-line, or on campus, but just general) that suggests that belittling, or ridiculing others based on
others’ personal traits or characteristics where they are the subject of ridicule would result in parent
contact, in-school suspension, and or expulsion. The policy doesn’t clarify if this is just for other
students or anyone within the school, but it clearly states that this action as described in the
hypothetical situation provided would be deemed in violation of school policy. Although various
cases at suggest that if not clear and present danger, or that of a threat are conveyed, then the
school has no authority to discipline as it is within the student’s right to exercise their freedom.
According to what the Courts have deemed acceptable as far as where the school’s capacity to
discipline is concerned, little can be done if posts of this manner are made since there is no threat or
true disturbance is made for the school or learning environment.
In the article, Tracking Off-Campus Speech: Can Public Schools Monitor Students’ Social Media? by
Sheridan 2015, the author discusses several cases that have determined that school administrators
do not have a legal right to discipline students for speech that occurs online while off campus.
According to Tinker V. Des Moines, schools “may discipline students for speech that causes a
material and substantial interferences with the learning environment and orderly work of the
school.” (Sheridan, 2015)
In this scenario, the student who posted demeaning comments towards the principal cannot be
disciplined because even though her comments are inappropriate and demeaning the student’s
Instagram post/speech does not interfere or disrupt the learning environment of the school. The
only time that schools have a right to take disciplinary action or alert the police is when the offcampus speech is of a violent or threatening nature against the school and students.
The school’s answer to this student is to have an open dialogue with the student and her parents to
discuss the inappropriate comments and reasons behind them and using the opportunity to teach
the student about their actions and how they impact others within the school community. Also,
depending on when the student took the principal’s picture (if they used their cell phone during
school hours or not) they could be disciplined for that. In my school district if students are caught
using the cell phone during school hours/class their phone can be confiscated and returned only to
parents or if there were consecutive violations then, they would be issued progressive forms of
discipline. Finally, the administrator should use this as an opportunity to build positive relationships
with the student and their family to ensure the academic success of the student.
PLEASE respond to the post in three or four sentences.
Pulled Together, Hickden Message Revealed!

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