A Splendid little War Dicussion Board Questions. 1.Secretary of State John Hay referred to the Spanish-American war as “a splendid little war.” Do you agre

A Splendid little War Dicussion Board Questions. 1.Secretary of State John Hay referred to the Spanish-American war as “a splendid little war.” Do you agree with this assessment of the war? Why, or why not?2. Respond to what this student had to say below.5 sentences : Secretary of State John Hay made the “splendid little war” comment because he felt the U.S made a decisive victory rather quickly and gained so much in the aftermath. The war only lasted 100 days and ended with the U.S gaining Puerto Rico, Cuba and the Phillipine Islands, although losing 241 men because of the conflict. The large gains in territory and world influence of power is why John Hay made those comments, and I would have to agree with him. The U.S suffered no homeland invasion, few casualties, land gains and political influence, a large win for the country.3.Unethical work practices Everyone faces ethical decisions every day. Have you ever worked for an organization, or with a provider of any service that engaged in unethical practices? How did that make you feel? What did you choose to do about it?

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