A Women’s Berlin – history Essay Short essay 1Answer the following question in an essay of 750-1000 words (excluding references and headings). Your essay m

A Women’s Berlin – history Essay Short essay 1Answer the following question in an essay of 750-1000 words (excluding references and headings). Your essay must include a clear thesis statement and evidence from course materials to support it. DO NOT DO OUTSIDE RESEARCH FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT. USE ONLY COURSE MATERIALS. Cite your sources in Chicago Manual format. 1. What kinds of new spaces did middle-class Berlin women create in the early 20th century? What problems were those spaces meant to solve? How did the new spaces address those problems? Be specific. Cite evidence from Stratigakos in your answer. 23 January in-class activity.
Social Democratic organizers surveyed metalworkers in Berlin and two towns in Western Germany about their
hours, pay, and sentiments about work between 1907 and 1911. This survey reveals the attitudes of Berlin’s
workers in the closing years of the Kaiserreich. Please cite specific responses in your answers.
1. How do workers describe the work that they do? What kinds of language do they use to describe it?
2. Are workers interested in the work that they are doing? Why or why not?
3. What do workers see as the biggest problems with their work?
These questions all cover chapter 3 in Women’s Berlin. They ask you to think about how Berlin women created
their own ways of living in the modern city. Please be specific in all of your answers.
4. What three new populations of women emerged in late 19th-century Berlin that did not fit traditional models
of how women should live?
5. What problems did each of these three groups have with existing housing options?
6. What solutions did they invent to solve those problems?
7. What design elements did each group use to create spaces that both challenged existing ideas about gender
and preserved elements of traditional femininity?
16 January in-class activity
What was the initial purpose of the Berlin Lyceum club? Why did prominent Berlin women found the club?
Why did the members of the Berlin Lyceum club break with the British club? What different values did they hold?
How did the new space of the Berlin Lyceum club express those values?
We’re going to look at a couple of descriptions of lifestyles in Berlin in the decades after German unification. One
of these examines the bourgeois lifestyle of a civil servant, the other the lifestyle of a skilled worker’s family.
What made up most of the spending of the working-class household? Of the bourgeois household? What
items/luxuries could the bourgeois family afford that the working-class family could not?
What do these totals reveal about what Berliners did during their leisure time?
What seem to be the primary virtues valued in running a household?
28 January in-class activity
1. What were the goals of the organizers and sponsors of the Frau in Haus und Beruf exhibition of 1912? What
was the exhibition meant to demonstrate to Berliners?
2. Why did organizers copy design elements from department stores? What did those elements convey about the
modern woman?
3. What kinds of images of “public women” were organizers attempting to eliminate? With what kinds of images
were they attempting to replace those negative images?
This is a 1908 newspaper article by Karl Atiogbe, an immigrant to Berlin from Togo, which was then a German
colony. It provides an idea of the experience of people of color in Wilhelmine Berlin.
Karl Atiogbe offers a word for his Black brothers (1908)
4. How did Berliners act overtly racist toward Atiogbe? What kinds of stereotypes do they reveal were held by
5. What kinds of less overt stereotypes did Germans hold about Africans in this period? (this will require reading
“against the grain” – think about what arguments Atiogbe makes about Africans’ abilities and what he seems to
be arguing against).
6. What does Atiogbe seem to think were the benefits of moving to Berlin?

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