ACC692 SNHU Interview Questions to Obtain an Admission of Guilt Prompt: Create and submit a list of interview questions intended to obtain an admission of

ACC692 SNHU Interview Questions to Obtain an Admission of Guilt Prompt: Create and submit a list of interview questions intended to obtain an admission of guilt from the suspect in your assigned fraud case. (Case D: Sandhog’s Union Local 147 – Melissa King; Benefits Manager for NYC Sandhogs Union Pleads Guilty Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: Suspect Interview Questions Type: Create a list of interview questions that includes all five types of interview questions to obtain an admission of guilt from a suspect. Sequence: Organize your list of questions in a logical and appropriate manner.Importance: Describe the importance of the sequence of your questions and why the list is organized as it is. ACC 692 Module Seven Interview Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: For this assignment, you must prepare a list of questions as though you were the interviewer of the suspect in a fraud case. Your goal for this
assignment is to create your interview questions and test them on another classmate in a mock interview to obtain an admission of guilt.
Earlier in the course, your instructor made an announcement that named your partner and a fraud case (see list below) that you will work with for this
Case A: Fry’s Electronics – Ausaf Umar Siddiqui; Fry’s Exec Accused of $65 Million Fraud to Pay Off Gambling Debts
Case B: PBS&J Corp – William DeLoach; Check Fraud in Miami
Case C: Koss Corp – Sujata “Sue” Sachdeva; Former Koss Corporation Executive Charged in $31 Million Dollar Fraud
Case D: Sandhog’s Union Local 147 – Melissa King; Benefits Manager for NYC Sandhogs Union Pleads Guilty
You will create a list of interview questions aimed at obtaining an admission of guilt from a suspect in your assigned case. The types of questions, as well as their
order, will be important for your success in this process. You will also record yourself (the interviewer) asking those questions of your partner (the suspect) and
submit the audio file (e.g., MP3) for grading.
Note that you will receive feedback on the questions, their sequence, and your mock interview from your instructor. This feedback should be applied before you
submit your final presentation (Final Project Part II) in Module Ten, which will include your interview questions. In addition, you may find during/after the mock
interview that your questions did not work out as well as you would have liked. If that is the case, revise your question list and incorporate those revisions into
your final submission as well. Lastly, note that while you are creating one set of interview questions for the suspect in this assignment, the Final Project Part II
will require two sets: one set of questions for the suspect and one set of questions for the witness in your assigned case.
Prompt: Create and submit a list of interview questions intended to obtain an admission of guilt from the suspect in your assigned fraud case. Record the
interview (e.g., using Skype, FaceTime, etc.) of you, as the interviewer, asking the questions of your assigned partner, the suspect. Submit an audio file (e.g.,
MP3) of the recorded interview.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Suspect Interview Questions
A. Type: Create a list of interview questions that includes all five types of interview questions to obtain an admission of guilt from a suspect.
B. Sequence: Organize your list of questions in a logical and appropriate manner.
C. Importance: Describe the importance of the sequence of your questions and why the list is organized as it is.
D. Recording: Submit a recording (in the form of an audio file such as an MP3) of your mock interview with you acting as the interviewer and your
partner acting as the suspect. Use the appropriate tone to conduct your interview.
Guidelines for Submission: Your interview questions and explanation of their importance must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document with double
spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Submit your interview recording as an audio file (e.g., MP3).
Critical Elements
Exemplary (100%)
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
list is exceptionally
comprehensive and clear
Proficient (90%)
Creates a list of interview
questions including all
interview question types
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
list is exceptionally organized
and clear
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides specific and relevant
Organizes a list of questions in
a logical and appropriate
Describes the importance of
the question sequence and
why the list is organized as it is
Completes the recording of the
interview using appropriate
tone and language
Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented
in a professional and easy-toread format
Completes the recording of the
interview using appropriate
tone and/or language
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Articulation of
Needs Improvement (70%)
Creates a list of interview
questions, but questions do not
include all interview questions
Organizes a list of questions
but not in a logical and
appropriate manner
Describes the importance of
the question sequence and
why the list is organized as it is,
but description lacks detail
Completes the recording of the
interview, but neither tone nor
language is appropriate
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
readability and articulation of
main ideas
Not Evident (0%)
Does not create a list of
interview questions
Does not organize a list of
Does not describe the
importance of the question
Does not complete the
recording of the interview
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of

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