ADMIN575 Phoenix Parental Or Community Involvement In School Develop a 700- to 1,050-word summary and analysis of your assessment of parental or community

ADMIN575 Phoenix Parental Or Community Involvement In School Develop a 700- to 1,050-word summary and analysis of your assessment of parental or community involvement in your school.

Include the following:

The interview or focus group planning process, participants, and questions asked
Analysis of issues raised and their implications for a plan to improve parental and community involvement, including encouraging and supporting more diversity

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Report qualitative and quantitative data related to the results from your interviews or focus groups.
Describe three significant concepts from the research regarding aligning strategies and goals.
Develop three goals related to increasing parent and community involvement in the school.
Develop two or more strategies for achieving each goal to increase parent and community involvement in the school. Consider using existing partnerships (e.g., parent program, business, non-profit organization). Describe how your goals and strategies align.

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