AEIS112 Oregon Is GMO Food a Solution to our Food Shortage? My topic is this one: Is GMO food really a solution to our food shortage for the future?Use my

AEIS112 Oregon Is GMO Food a Solution to our Food Shortage? My topic is this one: Is GMO food really a solution to our food shortage for the future?Use my research topic and find three academic articles for write this assignment. Detailed writing instruction is post in the attached file. Use the student example, write one similar format to that one. APA format.PurposeYour research journal is a place to organize and reflect on all the information you are finding about your research topic. It is a place to start collecting evidence and to think about its use in your paper. It also helps you make connections between your articles’ information. For your research paper, a single body paragraph should have evidence from different sources. This makes an argument more convincing. If more than one source is agreeing on a point, the reader feels it is a stronger argument. You will find these connections between your articles in this journal. Additionally, the research journal is a lower stakes assignment to practice your APA references and MS Word document formatting before you turn in your research paper. Basically, this journal will help you develop your paper before you start to write it. AEIS 112: Research Journal Guidelines
You will keep a research journal to organize your article evidence and thoughts for your
research paper. This journal will be a place to reflect on the content of your research
articles and to analyze useful evidence for your paper.
Article Requirements

an APA reference citation of the article

a one-sentence summary that gives the main idea of the article

evidence that you can use in your paper
Copy and paste evidence that can be used in your paper. You can paraphrase it
later. You should have more than one piece of evidence for each article.

an idea of where this evidence can be used in your paper

o This will be used in my supporting paragraph about X.
o This will be used as my hook.
o This will be used as background information.
o This will be used in my counter opinion.
a brief article connection analysis of this article’s information compared to other
articles you have read about your topic
o Does this article give similar information that another article you have used
gave? If so, what information do they agree on?
o Does this article expand on an idea that a previous article mentioned?
How did they expand or elaborate on this idea?
With the “article connection,” you are identifying how articles overlap in
information about your topic. It is possible that you also have articles that
completely disagree with each other. If that relationship feels more significant,
you can describe how this article disagrees with most of your articles.

Optional: You can add any other reflections, questions, or comments about the
article content that may help you when you write your paper.
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License
© 2018 University of Oregon. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
International License ( except where noted.

Use MS Word for your journal.

Add your research question as a header on each of your pages.

Number your pages.
Things to Consider

You can continue to add your thoughts about and evidence from your different
articles at any time. You may start an entry on an article one day, and you may
add more ideas or evidence a week later. Similarly, you may delete evidence that
no longer pertains to your paper. Writing is a process.

You need at least five articles for your final research paper, but your research
journal must include at least six articles.

I will check your research journal two times for a grade.

I will grade you on the following:
o correct APA citations
o appropriate article choice
o evidence application
o thoughtful analysis of article connection or contrast
o required components

Each research journal check is worth 100 points.

The first research journal check must have a minimum of three articles.

The second research journal check must have a minimum of three articles.

You will upload your research journal to Canvas.
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License
© 2018 University of Oregon. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
International License ( except where noted.
Should the government intervene with cyber-bullying?
Quick -1
Morrow, A. & Downey, C. A. (2013). Perceptions of adolescent bullying:
Attributions of blame and responsibility in cases of cyber-bullying.
Scandinavian Journey of Psychology 54, 536-540
Main Idea: This article discusses who should be responsible for teenage cyber-bullying.
Evidence for my introduction. Background on how cyber-bullying is not regulated by
federal laws. Page 537, para 2
“Federal laws do not directly address cyberbullying. Typically, states do not address offcampus bullying and cyberbullying incidents at the K-12 level or higher education.”
Evidence for my supporting paragraph about a lack of consequences with cyber-bulling.
Page 539, para 5
“They found that cyberbullies feel anonymous, which gives them
more of an incentive to be aggressive as they feel there will be no consequences”.
Evidence for my supporting paragraph about mental health. Page 539, para 1. But how
do I cite this if another person, not the author, actually stated this? Ask
Mohammed, or instructor, in class tomorrow.
“With research indicating that bullying victims frequently experience both online and inschool bullying, it may be that being repeatedly and intentionally targeted online
contribute to significant or even clinical-level distress in some youth.”
Maybe! Evidence for my introduction. Is this good background??
“There is a general sense within the literature that adults and young people think
differently about the online and offline world”
This article also has a chart of pg. 538 that I want to study more for statistics. At the
moment, I don’t really understand the topic of the chart.
Article Connection:
This article has evidence that relates to mental health. This connects to the article by Lee
since that article discusses health, too. Although Lee’s article is mainly about the
physical health dangers of cyberbulling (ie. suicide, after school fights etc.).
Should the government intervene with cyber-bullying?
Quick -2
Elly, R. (2012). Parental involvement in preventing and responding to
cyberbullying. Family Matters. 92, p. 68-76.
Main Idea: This article gives a lot of examples for how parents have
successfully intervened when their children are being cyber-bullied.
Evidence for my implications. Page 75, para 3
“Administrators should ask the school systems acceptable use policy be
updated to specifically prohibit using the internet for bullying.”
Evidence for my introduction. Page 68, para 1
“cyberbullying has become a serious global social phenomenon, which is
also a major issue teenagers facing frequently.”
This article may have good evidence on page 73. I need to reread
paragraph 3 again. This could have an idea for my supporting paragraph
about government power.
Also, check out page 76 for a hook idea. I like the statistic of the number
of teenagers reporting cyber-bullying today.
Article Connection:
This article gives really different information about cyberbullying. Most of
my articles so far are discussing the negative impacts of cyberbullying on
kids. This article talks about the parent’s role in cyberbullying and some
positives, such as how parents have successfully helped their children with
Should school require uniform for students?
Article 1
Education and Training Committee (2007, December). Inquiry into dress codes and
school uniforms in Victorian schools. Victorian Government.
Main idea: The report introduces the current school uniform policy has the significant
impact on the relationships between schools and their communities.
a) Evidence for my second topic: Uniformity in dress may maintain equality in schools.
“The uniform is a good way of making students fell equal to their peers, and they
don’t have to worry about having the best jeans or shoes, all students can come to school
felling comfortable that everyone wears the same outfit” (Page. 14. Para. 5.).
b) Evidence for my fourth topic: Students may be encouraged to focus on studying.
“As a teacher with over 20 years’ experience, I have found that a pupil, correctly
wearing a school uniform in a school that enforces this code, ‘somehow’ is much
more attentive to their school work, more polite and courteous to teachers and fellow
students” (Page. 14. Para. 5.).
c) Evidence for my counterargument: some argue that wearing school uniform
against the individual rights of students.
“Section 7 of the Human Rights Charter provides that any of these rights may be
subject to ‘such reasonable limits as can be demonstrably justified in a free and
democratic society’. School dress codes and uniform policies may be considered to be
among such reasonable limits. The reasonableness of a limit must take account of
various factors, such as the importance of the limitation, the nature of the right, and
whether any less restrictive measures are available to achieve the same purpose”
(Page. 46. Para. 6.). Maybe this will be my point!
Should school require uniform for students?
d) Evidence for my first topic: Wearing school uniforms is the less stress on family.
“Dr David Brunsma, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Missouri,
explained the importance that today’s students attach to clothing: The pressure placed
on students by their peers to wear expensive clothing has escalated dramatically.
Clothes have become the pre-eminent status symbol. To some students, expensive and
designer clothing is more important than good grades, success in athletics, or other
extracurricular activities (Page. 79. Para. 3.).
Article connection: The article mainly discusses the uniform policy and the effect of
school uniform policy in Victorian schools. This connect to the article by Wilkins’s
article, which also discusses both effects of uniform school such as decreasing violence,
increasing students’ safety, and improving student’s academic achievement.
Article 2
Evans, D.& Kremer, M.& Ngatia, M. (2009, November). The impact of
distributing school school uniforms on children’s education in Kenya. J-PAL.
Main idea: The article discusses the influence of distributing school uniforms on
Education in Kenya.
a) Evidence for my second topic: Uniformity in dress may maintain equality in schools.
“Uniforms also may enhance a sense of visual equality and decrease distractions
from schoolwork when at school (as quoted in BBC 2003)” (Page. 14. Para. 1.).
Should school require uniform for students?
b) Evidence for my fourth topic: Students may be encouraged to focus on studying.
“Table 6 gives IV estimates of program enrollment on average annual test scores
in Mathematics, English and Kiswahili for 2002, 2003 and 2004. We show average
effects as well as effects separated by students who had uniforms before the program
and those who did not. The program appears to have had a positive impact on test
scores in 2003, raising average test-scores of recipients by one quarter of a standard
deviation. While the average test-scores of uniform recipients are still observed to be
higher two years after the program started by one-fifth of a standard deviation” (Page.
13. Para. 2.).
Article connection: The article mainly discusses the effect of distributing school
uniforms on children’s education in Kenya, which connects the article by Wade.
However, Wade’ article mainly discusses the relationship between school uniform and
school climate.

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