Air Cargo reports: Demand Forecasting Techniques “You will submit two 8-10 page Air Cargo reports on a selected topic from a chapter:” Topic: Chapter 3 –

Air Cargo reports: Demand Forecasting Techniques “You will submit two 8-10 page Air Cargo reports on a selected topic from a chapter:”

Topic: Chapter 3 – DEMAND FORECASTING TECHNIQUES PAGE 44 on the attached guide

Review a minimum of ten articles written in the last five years in addition to your selected chapter from the Air Cargo Guide, write an 8 to 10 page report.

Provide a thorough summary of the general content from your chosen chapter.
Review and incorporate into each report a minimum of ten peer reviewed journal articles, written in the last five years, as current research progressed in the area.
Your papers will be evaluated based on the following criteria in conjunction with the evaluation rubric:
Quality and depth of content by demonstrating the understanding of the topic including its need, benefits, implementation challenges, real world examples, and best practices.
Organization of the report.
Overall format, i.e., typed, use of page numbers, title page, table of contents, introduction, body, conclusion, appropriate labels on figures and tables, etc.
Use of correct grammar and evidence of proofing (i.e., no spelling errors); overall formatting (i.e., Times New Roman font, 12-pt, double-spaced); and meeting total page requirements.
Variety and documentation of references used. Format for citations and references must follow current APA format

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