ART 480 From School to the Working World 1. Read Chapter 7 “From School to the Working World” (The Business of Being an Artist) 2. Readings (Art in The

ART 480 From School to the Working World 1. Read Chapter 7 “From School to the Working World” (The Business of Being an Artist)

2. Readings (Art in Theory):

Emil Nolde: 96-97

Tristan Tzara: 252-257

Fernand Leger: 159-162

Sean Adams Interviews Chip Kidd,

Sean Adams Interviews Michael Carabetta Assignments Art 480 Class January 24, 2019
1. Read Chapter 7 “From School to the Working World” (The Business of Being
an Artist)
Were you surprised by anything Grant mentioned in this chapter? Share some of your
thoughts about this chapter.
2. Readings (Art in Theory):
Emil Nolde: 96-97
Tristan Tzara: 252-257
Fernand Leger: 159-162
Sean Adams Interviews Chip Kidd,
Sean Adams Interviews Michael Carabetta
Reading Response
After you finish the reading assignments, pick one of the artists whose writings have
impressed you. Ask yourself:
What meaning do this artist’s words have for me? What insights have I gained and how
can I apply them in my everyday life?
Write for at least 15 minutes in your journal about your reflections about your selected
artist’s ideas. If you want, include one or two direct quotes that impressed you.

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