Article Analysis Please do a critical analysis to this article in consider to this questions Is the study question relevant? dose the study add anything
Article Analysis Please do a critical analysis to this article in consider to this questions
Is the study question relevant?
dose the study add anything new?
What type of research question is being asked?
Was the study design appropriate for the research question?
Did the study methods address the most important potential sources of bias?
Was the study performed according to the original protocol?
Does the study test a stated hypothesis?
Were the statistical analyses preformed correctly?
Do the data justify the conclusions?
this is the Article:
“Stough, L. M., & Kang, D. (2015). The Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction and persons with disabilities. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 6(2), 140-149.”
According to Stough and Kang, 15 percent of the worldwide population encounter impairing conditions and recent occasions have brought international attention to the encounters if persons with impairments during emergencies (2015). In the consequences of “Hurricane Katrina in 2005”, elderly persons drowned in their beds and wheelchairs inside “St. Rita’s Home as floodwaters rose around them”. In the “Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011”, the fatality rate for disabled persons was than twice that for the whole population and shelters for evacuation did not sufficiently react to the functional demands of disabled persons and the feeble elderly. Other similar events have been experienced around the world including Haiti and the “Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004” that killed half of 145 impaired children enrolled in schools managed by “Indonesian Society for the Care for Children with Disabilities”. Stough and Kang evaluated the “Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 (SFDRR)” with regard to its consequences for disabled persons. The SFDRR referenced disabled people indirectly or directly as part of the role of stakeholders, priorities for action, guiding principles, and as part of the preamble. Additionally, the “World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction” integrated clear suggestions towards a “disability-accessible and inclusive” surrounding not noticeable in preceding peril minimization conventions. The introduction of impairment-related notions and terms such as universal design, inclusion, and accessibility through the framework record was notable. The SFDRR record utilizes these concepts to refer to the demands of all in emergency, not only to individuals with impairments. The impairment-connected notions will serve the discipline of emergency risk minimization as essential overarching emergency-related propositions. The conclusion was that the SPDRR has strongly developed persons with impairment and their endorsing institutions as authorized actors and stakeholders in the scheme and execution of global emergency risk minimization blueprints.