ARTS130 Thinking Piece 2 Winter’19 Globalization And Identity Hi, On this you will be working on prompt # 2. I want to follow the instructions very very

ARTS130 Thinking Piece 2 Winter’19 Globalization And Identity Hi,

On this you will be working on prompt # 2.

I want to follow the instructions very very carefully and also make sure you read through the rublic so that you understand what is expected in the essay.

I need an A-80 % and above.

Check the grammar and formatting very carefully

Ensure the paper has a great flow with proper sentences and paragraphs

Do not put sources in this assignment use your own thinking and knowledge to write the paper

And at the bottom of the instructions look at the rubric. It tell you what the professor expects for a good mark.

Ensure excellent english

Thank you ARTS 130: Thinking Piece 2
Due Date: Thursday, February 7 (in-class)
Formatting Guidelines:
• 250-300 words, typed, double-spaced
• 12 point font, Times New Roman
• 1 inch margins all around (top; bottom; right; left)
• Name and Student Number in top left-hand corner
• “Thinking Piece #2” underneath your name
• No title
Choose between one of the following questions/prompts and write a critical and thoughtful
Prompt 1: Interpreter of Maladies
This prompt will help get you thinking about Lahiri’s short stories and your literary analysis. In
many ways, Lahiri explores the idea that identity is defined on a geographical basis. In other
words, she plays with the politics of where people are “from” (ancestral origin). Discuss the
way(s) by which her stories complicate one or a combination of the following (you may focus on
one or multiple stories).
Relationship between identity and geographic location
Relationship between identity and home
Difference & sameness
Idea of national and cultural divisions
Prompt 2: General Topic: Globalization and Identity
Whether we like it or not, globalization is a (past & current) reality. Consequently, there will be
more and more people who refuse to identify themselves in terms of nationality (i.e., I am
Iranian). Do you see globalization (i.e., one world community) as a force for good or bad in this
world (i.e., not literally evil, but what I mean to say is do you see it as a negative phenomenon)?
Perhaps think about whether it would homogenize us or make us more inclusive; whether it
might make us more cosmopolitan or feel more culturally rootless; whether it might get rid of
the us/them attitude, or divide people more. Use reason to support your points.
Thinking pieces are designed to make you think. This assignment gives you a space to
thoughtfully and critically explore your response to topic/issue. That is, I am interested in the
links, complications, or complexities you identify about the topic/issue. Each thinking piece is
worth 5%.
Please Note: I will not accept hand-written or emailed responses. I will only accept late
reflections with official documentation excusing your absence.
I will grade your thinking pieces according to the following criteria:
Score of 4-5
Demonstrates high-quality exploration (i.e., insightful and thoughtful);
addresses the assigned question, demonstrates that you have done the
required reading, reveals engaged thinking; fulfills the length
Score of 3-3.9
Shows evidence of some reflection about the reading and/or issue, but
responses are generalized; lacking in depth; fulfills the length
Score of 0-2.9
Shows little or no evidence or reflection about what was read and/or issue
or demonstrates that you have read but your response is overly simplistic;
too superficial; does not fulfill the length requirement.
What constitutes a high-quality “thinking piece”?
• Evidence of dialogic thinking—seeing complexities, finding cruxes and puzzles,
confronting inadequate explanations—I reward students for looking or probing into the
complexity of an issue
• Demonstrates critical engagement; makes independent and thoughtful contributions,
raises intelligent questions; makes interesting connections
• It is generally easy to tell the difference between insightful and superficial.
• The key question is not “how well written is this piece?” but “to what extent does this
thinking piece reveal engaged thinking about this topic/issue?”
• “High-quality” refers to being rewarded for showing the process as much as the product
of thought.

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