Ashford University Newcastle Hospital Health Care Issues Assignment For this assignment, you should address the following Present the needs that were hig

Ashford University Newcastle Hospital Health Care Issues Assignment For this assignment, you should address the following Present the needs that were highlighted within your selected case study as it applies to Newcastle hospital. (attached) Propose a risk analysis strategy on how organizational needs were met in accordance with applicable laws and standards. Assess the essential components of health care decision-making models, emphasizing the system development life cycle (SDLC). Determine the impact technology has on cultural factors in health care provisions and decision-making. Evaluate the roles and responsibilities of key players in strategic planning and continuous quality improvement. Assess enterprise-wide data’s role in health information governance. Compare and contrast the roles of technology and enterprise-wide information as it relates to data governance. Summarize best practices and policies as they relate to data governance, information exchange, and technical and structural interoperability. Explain the economic impact of your proposed system acquisition. Formulate and provide answers to three questions that you feel would be appropriate for the board to ask. Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis. Must use at least three scholarly or peer-reviewed sources that are less then 5 years old. Review the attached documents Running head: HEALTH INFORMATION SYSTEM
Health Information System
Strategic information systems planning can emerge as a source of competitive advantage
when taken seriously by an organization. At all times, an organization’s systems investments
ought to be aligned with the overall business strategy and focused on supporting corporate
missions. The emergency department (ED) at Newcastle hospital has to address the challenge of
the lack of information system by focusing on organizational and IT factors such as undefined
strategy, data integrity, and culture to support the overall strategic initiatives of the organization.
Implementing an IT system that supports the organization overall mission and strategic
objectives will improve Newcastle ED patient satisfaction ranking.
Strategic IS Planning For the Hospital ED
Newcastle Hospital IT budgetary spending is less the 1% annually and this department is
lacking in the following areas such as training, critical application, and tools (Wager, Lee, &
Glaser, 2017). This facility must improve the ED information system, a strategic planning
process is of great significance. This is because, with the strategic planning process, a method is
in place that helps in developing plans to realize overall, long-term goals. There are steps to
consider when initiating a strategic planning process to improve the ED information system. The
first step is determining the strategic position, and this is where it is necessary to know where the
ED information system is currently in order to determine where it’s heading (Bryson, 1988). At
this point, it is proper to involve all the right stakeholders and creating a vision and mission
statements if they have not been established to have a proper depiction of what success looks
like. The next step is developing a strategic plan after knowing the potential strategic objectives.
In this area, it is important to prioritize the objectives in place and determining the goals that will
aid in achieving those objectives (Dolence, 1997). What follows this step is executing and
managing the plan. Once the plan is ready for improving ED information system, it becomes
important to communicate it by sharing relevant information and then the work begins. Along
the way, it is necessary to review and revise the plan to ensure its alignment in accordance with
the intended purpose (Stevens, & Silver, 2015). It is worth remembering that this plan needs to
be in aligned with the hospital’s and the department’s overall strategic plans. To ensure that this
is the case, it is significant to utilize the values highly; mission statement, as well as established
priorities and therefore any initiatives that are not in line with the long-term strategic position,
need to be avoided.
It is very clear that multiple factors have contributed to the current state of the emergency
department at Newcastle hospital as portrayed in the case study. However, out of these many
factors, it will be difficult to overcome the ill-defined manual processes and lack of information
system. This is because even after selecting a proper ED information system, extra work and
resources will be required to see that the staff is tuned to the new system. It might take a while
to get all those concerned in harmony with this significant information system as some
individuals may be reluctant to embrace it fully.
The new CEO has good insights as far as the ED issues are concerned. His continued
support could help a lot in enhancing any ED IS strategic plan. The new approach of the CEO is
creating an environment in which there will be operating in vision, not circumstances.
Establishing as well as sharing a vision through a participatory process can lead to a powerful
impact on any ED IS strategic plan (Senge, 1998). The CEO understands well that it is the right
time for the Newcastle hospital deal with the challenges it has experienced in the information
system for a long time. Not living in the circumstances will see the new approaches change the
way things have been happening and influence any ED IS strategic plan.
By being chosen by the CEO to spearhead the ED IS strategic planning effort will require
me to consider various things for it to be a success. I will take this task seriously because the
only sure way to achieve objectives is when ED Is strategic planning effort is done right. The
first steps in accomplishing this will revolve around communicating the plan to every employee
and making sure they understand and appreciate the plan because its implementation requires
everyone to be involved (Fogg, 1999). It will be also important for me to consider all the
necessary resources required for the whole process to be a success. For the next three months, I
will make sure that there is an IT management committee that will be making important
decisions as well as securing funds for the process of implementation. For the whole process, I
would consider involving the managers and supervisors of the ED and IT departments because
they are the individuals who are directly linked to the plan.
It is evident that organizations such as Newcastle hospital are in challenging situations
because of various things that can be planned for and corrected. Lack of proper strategic plan or
carefully following through the one that has been established has been the cause of many
organizations struggling. The CEO understands well that it is the right time for the Newcastle
hospital to deal with the challenges it has experienced in the information system arena. This has
been the reason why the focus at Newcastle is selecting an ED information system that supports
the overall strategic initiatives of the organization to improved customer satisfaction score.
Selecting a proper ED information system, such as the centralized command center implemented
at HealthEast Care System that tracked patient flow in real time throughout the ED event which
resulted in decreasing patient wait times and improving patient satisfaction scores by 36%
(Davenport, 2014). Implementing this IT system best practice will support the organization
overall mission and strategic objectives and improve Newcastle ED patient satisfaction ranking.
Bryson, J. M. (1988). A strategic planning process for public and non-profit organizations. Long
range planning, 21(1), 73-81.
Davenport, T. H. (Ed). (2014). Analytics in healthcare and the life sciences: Strategies,
implementation, methods, and
best practices. Upper Saddle River, NJ: International Institute for Analytics, Pearson Publisher.
ISBN 13:
Dolence, M. G. (1997). Working toward Strategic Change: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Planning
Process. Jossey-Bass Inc., 350 Sansome St., San Francisco, CA 94104.
Fogg, C. D. (1999). Implementing your strategic plan: How to turn” intent” into effective action
for sustainable change. Amacom Books.
Senge, P. M. (1998). The leader’s new work. Leading organizations, 1, 439-457.
Stevens, R., & Silver, L. S. (2015). Strategic planning and marketing in healthcare organizations
[Electronic version]. Retrieved from
Wager, K. A., Lee, F. W., & Glaser, J. P. (2017). Health care information systems: A practical
approach for health care management (4th ed.). Retrieved from
Quality Improvement Proposal
the Hospital ED
Fill-in the details below between the brackets
Setting: Here, describe the place that you will focus on for this proposal and the specific of
that place.
The proposal will focus on the development of strategic IS planning for Newcastle Hospital’s
ED. This is because Newcastle hospital operates in a very challenging environment brought
about by poor reimbursements and serious competition. The changes in the hospital’s
Emergency Department (ED) are crucial in assisting its overall recovery. The hospital
experienced a six months nursing strike which alienated the staff and reduced public
confidence and direct costs that affected the hospital’s capital reserves. Reduction of hospital’s
net assets resulted in inefficient performance in the hospital departments, especially the ED
operations which as referred to be the backbone of the hospital (Chatterton et al, 2010).
Health Care Service: In this section, share the specific health care service that you are
proposing a quality improvement for.
The healthcare service that should be improved is the emergency department. This is because
according to the management of the Newcastle Hospital, this is the department that acts as the
backbone of the hospital’s financial, clinical and public relations functions. The emergency
department is the department in the hospital that handles a large amount of patients, for instance
in the Newcastle hospital, it handles more than 34,000 patients in a year and admits 24% of
them. This constitutes 51% of the total number of the hospital’s inpatient admissions (Wager,
Lee, & Glaser, (2017). This signifies that the ED is the most important department that handles
more patients as compared to other departments.
Problem: In this section, describe the specific problem you have found. Be sure to include
evidence from sources that support this is a problem.
The problem identified is that the patient satisfaction with Newcastle hospital ED has dropped
according to current surveys. The organization has tried to improve these problems which are
related to walkouts and waiting time but have failed. The CEO came up with three initiatives
to solve the issue of patient satisfaction which included change of ED management, provision
of data required and also improve ED service performance. The barrier to management was
addressed through the introduction of RFP process but the barrier to improving ED service
performance was not effectively addressed.
Barriers to Quality: Here, share any barriers that exist that hinder the quality that is needed.
The main barriers that have hindered the quality needed was the inflexibility of the ED
physician management group to change since they have been in place for the past ten years.
The other barrier was that there was an absence of data which is needed to define measurement
and deliver the improvement required in the ED service performance. The absence of data was
due to the structure of the ED in the hospital that was based on manual processes and lacked
information systems.
In this section, discuss the intervention or solution you are proposing to improve the quality of
the problem you have identified. Provide evidence from sources to support your suggestions.
The intervention needed is the development of an IT system that would replace the ED manual
system in the aim of improving service delivery and performance. The intervention focuses on
developing ED information system that informs a part from automation so as to support the
overall strategic initiatives of the organization (Campbellet al, 2000).
Process Defect: Here, include the overall process that will be used to implement the
proposed solution.
The implementation will include a formation of a strategic action plan, ensure there is data
integrity and integrate the intervention with the organization’s culture. The implementation
process will ensure integrate all members of the hospital management team and the emergency
department through training and empowering process to effectively utilize the proposed
Aim (Objective): Here, state the objective of the proposed intervention.
The objective of the proposed intervention is to improve performance by satisfying patients and
staff, supporting the organization and getting better each day. The objective of the proposed
intervention is mainly based on ensuring that ED operations run smoothly to effectively cater to
customer needs.
Here, identify and describe the steps or the strategy that will be taken to implement the
Defining IT strategy
Developing IT governance
Include IT functionality in the ED system
Develop IT infrastructure and architecture
IT organization and resources
Measures: In this space, share what will be used to measure the implementation of the
intervention or how the results of the implementation will be measured.
The results of the implementation will be measured by the walkouts and wait time of the patients
in regard to the ED service in the Newcastle hospital. The results will also be measured through
customer satisfaction surveys (Blumenthal, 2009).
Barriers to Change: Here, include a discussion of any barriers that could get in the way of the
proposed change. Include any evidence from sources that can support your claims.
The most prominent barriers to change is the lack of adequate funding to support the
implementation of the IT support system and training of staff due to the hospital’s bankrupt state
and also poor management (Wager, Lee, & Glaser, (2017).
Simple Rules: Here, include the rule that will be satisfied by your proposed intervention.
The proposed intervention includes one rule which improves ED service performance.
Cost Implications: Here, include any costs associated with the proposed intervention.
The proposed intervention requires an increase in the cost for IT spending from less than a dollar
to a substantial amount that will enable IT staff to get essential training on critical
applications and tools.
Blumenthal, D. (2009). Stimulating the adoption of health information technology. New
England journal of medicine, 360(15), 1477-1479.
Chatterton, P., Hodkinson, S., & Pickerill, J. (2010). Beyond Scholar Activism: Making
Strategic Interventions Inside and Outside the Neoliberal University. Acme: An
international e-journal for critical geographies, 9(2).
Campbell, M., Fitzpatrick, R., Haines, A., Kinmonth, A. L., Sandercock, P., Spiegelhalter, D.,
& Tyrer, P. (2000). Framework for design and evaluation of complex interventions to
improve health. Bmj, 321(7262), 694-696.
Wager, K. A., Lee, F. W., & Glaser, J. P. (2017). Health care information systems: A practical
approach for health care management (4th ed.). Retrieved from

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