Entries by Ben

SPSS 01 Data Entry A study was conducted to examine the degree to which Room Color affects algebra learning. There were three groups of students who took a

SPSS 01 Data Entry A study was conducted to examine the degree to which Room Color affects algebra learning. There were three groups of students who took algebra during the same semester. Assignment #1 (SPSS-01) Data Entry Statistics are no substitute for judgment. – Henry Clay NAME: Score A study was conducted to examine the […]

Writ 321 300 words response to a podcast Writing a Critical Response ( Listen to the podcast found in the Dropbox link ~ 50 minutes long, and write a 250-3

Writ 321 300 words response to a podcast Writing a Critical Response ( Listen to the podcast found in the Dropbox link ~ 50 minutes long, and write a 250-300 Words response using the guidelines ) Reading/listening critically means being able to construct, extend and examine the meaning of what is being presented. When writing […]

Population health management essay Reading instruction for this discussion: read text book Niles text, Basics of the U.S. Health Care System (3rd ed.), rea

Population health management essay Reading instruction for this discussion: read text book Niles text, Basics of the U.S. Health Care System (3rd ed.), read: Chapter 4, “Government’s Role in U.S. Healthcare,” pages 91–113, Chapter 5, “Public Health’s Role in Healthcare,” pages 114–145.Use your coursepack, Foundations and Future of Health Care Delivery Management, to read: Chapter […]

MKT500 Company Marketing Plan & SWOT Analysis Assignment 1: Part A: Your Marketing Plan For this assignment, you will document your hypothetical company’s

MKT500 Company Marketing Plan & SWOT Analysis Assignment 1: Part A: Your Marketing Plan For this assignment, you will document your hypothetical company’s background information and mission statement, your company’s short- and long-term goals, an environmental analysis, and a SWOT analysis. Note: You should create and / or make all necessary assumptions needed for the […]

BUS 402 Strayer University Commerce Business Assignment 1: Creating an eCommerce Business Due Week 4 and worth 135 points “Too often, entrepreneurs brimm

BUS 402 Strayer University Commerce Business Assignment 1: Creating an eCommerce Business Due Week 4 and worth 135 points “Too often, entrepreneurs brimming with optimism and enthusiasm launch businesses destined for failure because their founders never stop to define a workable strategy that sets them apart from their competition.” (Scarborough & Cornwall, 2015, p. 106). […]

Definition of love essay I need a 5 paragraph paper on the definition love with a thesis sentence and 3 main points for the body. I have attached some of t

Definition of love essay I need a 5 paragraph paper on the definition love with a thesis sentence and 3 main points for the body. I have attached some of the requirements. 4G 59% ! 1:48 AM + E Definition Essay Requirements Definition Essay Specific Requirements of Your Essay Reference: Definition Essay – Text Book, […]

ENC 1102 Smoking and Anti-Smoking Research Debate Part 5 presents the last draft of the final paper for this Project. This 1,200 – 1,400-word final draft s

ENC 1102 Smoking and Anti-Smoking Research Debate Part 5 presents the last draft of the final paper for this Project. This 1,200 – 1,400-word final draft should include a thesis, all major points and evidence, an introduction and conclusion, and a Works Cited page. The evidence requirement for this Part includes at least five sources. […]

Outcome 7 – Communication Management Plan for my friend Student will produce a formal communication plan, for their specific project, in accordance to PMBO

Outcome 7 – Communication Management Plan for my friend Student will produce a formal communication plan, for their specific project, in accordance to PMBOK that includes a matrix to set a framework in place that allows team members and stakeholders to understand when and how communications will occur throughout the project with concentration on the […]

PSY 303 W 2 Bias Prejudice toward Psychopathology Responding to Bias and Prejudice Toward Psychopathology In last week’s journal, you honestly reflected o

PSY 303 W 2 Bias Prejudice toward Psychopathology Responding to Bias and Prejudice Toward Psychopathology In last week’s journal, you honestly reflected on your thoughts regarding abnormal psychology. Through that reflection, you may have recognized that you have some biases or prejudices toward specific groups of people. Recognizing any possible biases and prejudices is an […]