Entries by Ben

CRJ180 Strayer Juvenile Delinquency Case Study Week 4 Case Study 1 Submission Attached Files: CASE STUDY 1 ASSIGNMENT FORMATTED WITH QUESTIONS.docx (13.

CRJ180 Strayer Juvenile Delinquency Case Study Week 4 Case Study 1 Submission Attached Files: CASE STUDY 1 ASSIGNMENT FORMATTED WITH QUESTIONS.docx (13.538 KB) SEE THE ATTACHMENT WITH A PAPER FORMATTED FOR YOU! Click the link above to submit your assignment. Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center. Instructors, training […]

Business Opportunities Competitive Advantages For this assignment, you will be assessing potential business opportunities and competitive advantages for yo

Business Opportunities Competitive Advantages For this assignment, you will be assessing potential business opportunities and competitive advantages for your product(s)/services(s). The goal is to describe what you’re planning to sell, the consumer need that your product(s)/services(s) will satisfy, who your target market is, and how you will differentiate yourself from your competitors in the marketplace. […]

The Sandwich Generation Research Paper Social Gerontology Research Paper Each student will select one of the following topics provided by the instructor.

The Sandwich Generation Research Paper Social Gerontology Research Paper Each student will select one of the following topics provided by the instructor. The research paper must be supported by current evidence-based research, case studies, and literature. The goal of this assignment is for each student to further investigate the topic impacting the aging population. The […]

Business and Scripture Christian Views Essay According to Henry Mintzberg (1994), managers don’t always need to program their strategies formally; sometime

Business and Scripture Christian Views Essay According to Henry Mintzberg (1994), managers don’t always need to program their strategies formally; sometimes they must leave their strategies flexible, as broad visions, to adapt to a changing environment. Managerial decision making is rigid and often inflexible. Organizational planning has not changed very much in the thirty years […]

Chi Square analysis A researcher wondered if there was any underlying pattern among people who prefer their toilet paper to hang over the top or back again

Chi Square analysis A researcher wondered if there was any underlying pattern among people who prefer their toilet paper to hang over the top or back against the wall. She suspected that one of these preferences might reflect a higher-than-usual degree of fastidiousness (that is, she wondered if it might indicate a mild OCD compulsion […]

BIO1302 Columbia Southern Human Impact on Climate Change Environment PPT Human Impact on Climate Change PowerPoint After learning about several ways in wh

BIO1302 Columbia Southern Human Impact on Climate Change Environment PPT Human Impact on Climate Change PowerPoint After learning about several ways in which our everyday actions impact climate change, choose one action to conduct more research on and create a PowerPoint presentation to tell us more! Use the unit material and reliable online resources to […]

MHRM 6605 Walden U Starbucks Strategic Goals Welcome to this unit’s discussion! In this discussion, you will analyze and discuss your readings and prepare

MHRM 6605 Walden U Starbucks Strategic Goals Welcome to this unit’s discussion! In this discussion, you will analyze and discuss your readings and prepare for success in this unit’s major writing assignment. LEARNING GOALS: By participating in this unit’s discussion, you will: • • • Identify the broad genre of argument as it applies to […]

MKT421 Phoenix Mapping Product Life Cycle Marketing Plan Presentation Purpose of Assignment The Product Life Cycle (PLC) is a vital component of the marke

MKT421 Phoenix Mapping Product Life Cycle Marketing Plan Presentation Purpose of Assignment The Product Life Cycle (PLC) is a vital component of the marketing plan. Monitoring products and services as they flow through this process helps marketing managers adjust their marketing strategies to keep products and services thriving for as long as possible. Monitoring this […]