Entries by Ben

Describe an architecturally building in Tampa Bay area Visit an architecturally significant work in the Tampa Bay area. It may be a historic or contemporar

Describe an architecturally building in Tampa Bay area Visit an architecturally significant work in the Tampa Bay area. It may be a historic or contemporary building, or an urban space. Use drawings/diagrams/photographs (or any combination) and written words (outline form is acceptable) to describe your observations. This project may be presented creatively (collage, figure/ground organization, […]

Eliza Wharton’s Overall Concept of Love Explanation In Foster’s The Coquette; or, The History of Eliza Wharton: A Novel Founded on Fact. By a Lady of Massa

Eliza Wharton’s Overall Concept of Love Explanation In Foster’s The Coquette; or, The History of Eliza Wharton: A Novel Founded on Fact. By a Lady of Massachusetts, please explain for me Eliza Wharton’s overall concept of love. Explain your answer in detail and use specific examples from the text. Remember: to cite and reference any […]

GCC Business Class Reports I need 5 different reports for my Business class. 1- I need a report for ” the Trial Juror’s ” Handbook ( I have the details in

GCC Business Class Reports I need 5 different reports for my Business class. 1- I need a report for ” the Trial Juror’s ” Handbook ( I have the details in the attachment). 2 pages please. 2- A report for Glendale Community College/in California scholership program ( the details are in the attachment). 1 and […]

Alasqha Group 1- Bradley Herling’s chapter outlines the importance of extending protected status to all forms of religion, including those widely considere

Alasqha Group 1- Bradley Herling’s chapter outlines the importance of extending protected status to all forms of religion, including those widely considered “cults,” because even acts considered harmful or outright criminal should be protected if they are part of someone’s religion. True False 2-By being in this semester’s class and engaging in discussion with the […]

Comment Response Store Brands 1) As a consumer, we strive to purchase the best products with the lowest price. Because of our target audience’s desires to

Comment Response Store Brands 1) As a consumer, we strive to purchase the best products with the lowest price. Because of our target audience’s desires to save money, the global competition is drastically increasing. Target is a company that has their own private brand, up & up. Their products include laundry detergent, baby food, sunscreen, […]

FNU Importance of effective communication 1. Discuss the importance of effective communication in the personal relationship, the therapeutic relationship,

FNU Importance of effective communication 1. Discuss the importance of effective communication in the personal relationship, the therapeutic relationship, and the relationship within the interprofessional health-care team. 2. What similarities and differences can you identify among the above interactions? 3. Explain the concept of congruence between verbal and nonverbal communication. 4. There are many pitfalls […]

SOC310 CSU Assessing Affirmative Action Policies I suggest using a college/university in the US for this but I am open to using a place such as Walmart or

SOC310 CSU Assessing Affirmative Action Policies I suggest using a college/university in the US for this but I am open to using a place such as Walmart or Ikea. In a 3-4-page paper, explore Affirmative Action as it relates to race and employment or college admissions. Review an organization you are familiar with (it can […]

Grantham University Supermarket Choice Decisions Paper Ethics in Commerce The attributes that often influence supermarket choice decisions. Nine frequent

Grantham University Supermarket Choice Decisions Paper Ethics in Commerce The attributes that often influence supermarket choice decisions. Nine frequently cited attributes are: Low prices Choice of national versus private labels Ease of parking and loading Fast checkouts Produce quality Convenience (including hours, location, ease of entrance and parking, ease of finding items) Services (including credit, […]

Columbia Southern Nordic Cluster Culture and Economics Presentation Need assistance with a PowerPoint, screenshot is attached. If you need a cleared pictur

Columbia Southern Nordic Cluster Culture and Economics Presentation Need assistance with a PowerPoint, screenshot is attached. If you need a cleared picture let me know Respond to the Discussion Board Assignment by Saturday, 11:59 p.m. (CT). Comment on another student’s response by Tuesday, 11:59 pm (CT). Late postings will be awarded 0 points To view […]

HCA430 Ashford University Economic Dynamics of Healthcare Paper HIV Help-Inc., a non-profit organization focusing on the prevention of HIV/AIDS just receiv

HCA430 Ashford University Economic Dynamics of Healthcare Paper HIV Help-Inc., a non-profit organization focusing on the prevention of HIV/AIDS just received a $10 million grant to fund several projects. The organization is currently located in an older building that needs extensive repairs. The organization is using outdated office equipment In addition, one additional staff member […]