Entries by Ben

SOC1010 Columbia Southern American Government Healthcare Program Discussion In this unit, we learned about different institutions like family, education, r

SOC1010 Columbia Southern American Government Healthcare Program Discussion In this unit, we learned about different institutions like family, education, religion, and health care that influence society. For the Unit VII assignment, you will answer a series of response questions applying concepts you learned in this unit and previous units regarding sociological perspectives, groups, and social […]

BCJ2000 Columbia Southern Unit IV Wisconsin Law Journal Criminal Critique Unit IV Article Critique Using the CSU Online Library, please locate an article

BCJ2000 Columbia Southern Unit IV Wisconsin Law Journal Criminal Critique Unit IV Article Critique Using the CSU Online Library, please locate an article regarding entrapment. Your article should be no more than five years old and should come from a professional or scholarly journal. After reading the article and briefly summarizing the purpose for the study, […]

PSY303 DQ WK 3 Gender Dysphoria DSM-5 Controversy Controversy: Gender Dysphoria- Should It Be in the DSM-5? You must successfully complete the “Stress,

PSY303 DQ WK 3 Gender Dysphoria DSM-5 Controversy Controversy: Gender Dysphoria- Should It Be in the DSM-5? You must successfully complete the “Stress, Trauma, Sexual Dysfunctions, Paraphilic Disorders, and Gender Dysphoria Disorders” quiz before you will be allowed to post in this discussion forum. Before working on this discussion, please read Chapter 12 in the […]

B390/MAN3322 Rasmussen SEC1 MOD5 Final HRIS Proposal & PP Presentation Final Project: Module 05 – HRIS Proposal and Presentation At this point of the proj

B390/MAN3322 Rasmussen SEC1 MOD5 Final HRIS Proposal & PP Presentation Final Project: Module 05 – HRIS Proposal and Presentation At this point of the project, you have identified the problem and an HRIS solution for the business. Now you want the executive team to accept your proposal. Using your readings, research from library databases (such […]

ACC561 Accounting UOP Green Pastures Financial Analysis ORIGINAL THOUGHTS ONLY PLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS NO PLAGIARISM Purpose of Assignment This c

ACC561 Accounting UOP Green Pastures Financial Analysis ORIGINAL THOUGHTS ONLY PLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS NO PLAGIARISM Purpose of Assignment This comprehensive case requires students to evaluate a static budget and prepare flexible budgets to meet managerial needs. Students are required to calculate and analyze variances and discuss how variances are critical to managerial decision making. Assignment […]

BUS475 University of Phoenix Walmart Strategic Planning Paper Purpose of Assignment Students will have the opportunity to research a company and industry

BUS475 University of Phoenix Walmart Strategic Planning Paper Purpose of Assignment Students will have the opportunity to research a company and industry to conceptualize forming a new division of an existing company based on a new product or service. The assigned text and Strategic Planning Outline serve as a guide to complete sections of the […]

Art question: Take a photo that you think is artistic. before beginning the Discussion Board, be sure to view the supplement Web Link Principles of Design.

Art question: Take a photo that you think is artistic. before beginning the Discussion Board, be sure to view the supplement Web Link Principles of Design. Be sure to remember the Discussion Board deadline. The link will no longer be available when the Discussion Board is due. Create Your Photograph: Take a photo that you […]