Entries by Ben

MGT 601 Ashford University Operational Plan Develop an operational plan for an organization of your choice. Read the article, Operational Plan, for an over

MGT 601 Ashford University Operational Plan Develop an operational plan for an organization of your choice. Read the article, Operational Plan, for an overview of the required elements in this type of plan. Create a fictional organization that includes the name, type of business, size of organization, and the product or service that the organization […]

PSY326 WK 2 Ashford Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Research Question, Hypothesis, and Approach [WLOs: 3, 4] [CLOs: 1, 4, 5] Prior to beginning work on this

PSY326 WK 2 Ashford Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Research Question, Hypothesis, and Approach [WLOs: 3, 4] [CLOs: 1, 4, 5] Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the feedback on your Week 1 paper, sections 1.2, 1.3, and 2.1 in the Newman (2016) textbook, and view the following videos: Picking Your Topic IS Research (Links […]

WEB240 University of Phoenix Week 2 Expanded Website Assignment Using the course software, expand the basic homepage from Week Two to a site that includes

WEB240 University of Phoenix Week 2 Expanded Website Assignment Using the course software, expand the basic homepage from Week Two to a site that includes at least three web pages. Incorporate the following into your expanded website: Apply Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to format elements. Integrate multimedia into the website. Create navigation for the site. […]

Mini Case Steve Jobs Ipology There are two questions in the bottom of the page. The answers should be five sentences minimum. Mini-Case Steve Jobs’ ipology

Mini Case Steve Jobs Ipology There are two questions in the bottom of the page. The answers should be five sentences minimum. Mini-Case Steve Jobs’ ipology PR Ethics Leave it to Apple Founder and CEO Steve Jobs to introduce an entirely new public relations innovation, the iPology, that turns customer complaints into free publicity (Figure […]

Draw UML Community Board of Realtors Please look at “Community Board of Realtors” case study. Identify ONE use case and decompose into events. Then using t

Draw UML Community Board of Realtors Please look at “Community Board of Realtors” case study. Identify ONE use case and decompose into events. Then using the free tool, Lucid Chart develop a use case diagram. Download your diagram as a PDF.Upload it in PDF format Community Board of Realtors One of the functions of the […]

PSY 101 Methods of Learning What are the similarities and differences between classical conditioning, operant conditioning and observational learning? What

PSY 101 Methods of Learning What are the similarities and differences between classical conditioning, operant conditioning and observational learning? What are the situations in which each of the types of learning may be useful? By the end of this discussion, you will be able to: Explain the principles and processes involved in classical conditioning Explain […]

English Literature The Talking Goat Fairy Tales Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that

English Literature The Talking Goat Fairy Tales Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten. –Neil Gaiman Project 1— approximately 1000 words The Fairy Tale Fairy tales are, above all else, a story—fiction, with magic, rules or a task, […]

UNC Cultural Globalization Clash Of Civilization Your essay must be well organized and structured coherently, with an introduction (Links to an external si

UNC Cultural Globalization Clash Of Civilization Your essay must be well organized and structured coherently, with an introduction (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., clear thesis statement (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., well-organized body points, and a conclusion (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. As […]