Entries by Ben

MGMT830 Testing for Bivariate Categorical data Analysis Part 1 For this Assignment, you will consider three different scenarios. Each of these scenarios i

MGMT830 Testing for Bivariate Categorical data Analysis Part 1 For this Assignment, you will consider three different scenarios. Each of these scenarios include a research question. You will examine each scenario, choose a categorical data analysis and run a sample test. To prepare for this Assignment: Review Chapters 10 and 11 of the Frankfort-Nachmias & […]

COM331 Laws and Policies That Discriminate Against Men This assignment calls for you to write a critical essay in response to the reading provided. The ess

COM331 Laws and Policies That Discriminate Against Men This assignment calls for you to write a critical essay in response to the reading provided. The essay needs to be between 750 and 1000 words and should reflect careful thought, writing, and attention to form. Going over 1000 word limit is ok. The analysis essay is […]

Interest Groups Role In American Politics Paper Research PaperYou will have to write a research paper on one of the following five topics: Write a paper i

Interest Groups Role In American Politics Paper Research PaperYou will have to write a research paper on one of the following five topics: Write a paper in which you discuss the role interest groups play in the American political system and how they attempt to shape public policy. After that, select a specific national piece […]

Finance for Healthcare Respond to at least 2 classmate My COURSE is Finance of HEALTHCARE. Discussion Board is: Legal and Regulatory With the background

Finance for Healthcare Respond to at least 2 classmate My COURSE is Finance of HEALTHCARE. Discussion Board is: Legal and Regulatory With the background gained from the outside readings assigned this week on the Legal and Regulatory Environment, what action or recommendations in the area of enterprise risk management initiatives would you recommend as the […]

ENT588 University of Phoenix Business Model Technology Innovation Paper Conduct industry research on a national and local level, and conduct local market r

ENT588 University of Phoenix Business Model Technology Innovation Paper Conduct industry research on a national and local level, and conduct local market research for your business. Analyze your data and draft for findings for your industry, market, and customer research. Develop a 525- to 700-word analysis considering your research and the following: Explain the selection […]

Implementing Cisco IP Switched Network 1) Compare and contrast the advantages and use cases for when you would use end-to-end VLANs versus local VLANs. Po

Implementing Cisco IP Switched Network 1) Compare and contrast the advantages and use cases for when you would use end-to-end VLANs versus local VLANs. Post Requirements: Your posts must use at least two (2) sources of information (properly cited using the American Psychological Association (APA) citation guidelines) in addition to the “hypermedia” already provided to […]

Response to a Classmate Discussion Board Hello, I need help writing one pargraph to a classmate discussion about the hidden curriculum and the type of educ

Response to a Classmate Discussion Board Hello, I need help writing one pargraph to a classmate discussion about the hidden curriculum and the type of education received based on the four classes (working, middle, affluent professional and executive elite) I attended a Catholic school in Chicago that I would consider a middle-class school because as […]

BUS611 Ashford University Week 1 Aroto Inc Modern Project Management Paper Project Charter [CLOs: 1, 2] Scenario: Roto Air You will be working with the

BUS611 Ashford University Week 1 Aroto Inc Modern Project Management Paper Project Charter [CLOs: 1, 2] Scenario: Roto Air You will be working with the following scenario throughout this course. You are free to make reasonable assumptions when facts have not been provided, but do state them as you complete the assignments. You are a […]

English Assignment Organization Questions Answer the following three questions: Apx 150-200 words each 1)Discuss how communication takes place in mechanis

English Assignment Organization Questions Answer the following three questions: Apx 150-200 words each 1)Discuss how communication takes place in mechanistic and organic organizations. Helpful information: The mechanistic structure is central, meaning that it can only operate on a stable environment that can never be changed. An organic design, on the other hand, operates in an […]