B279MAN2793 Rasmussen SEC1 Module 4 Resources Management Assignment This is a continuation of a 6 week project. Each week is a new assignment. 3 worksheets

B279MAN2793 Rasmussen SEC1 Module 4 Resources Management Assignment This is a continuation of a 6 week project. Each week is a new assignment. 3 worksheets and 3 page summary.In this section of your project you will break down your project tasks into the knowledge areas studied in this and previous units and provide the following:A budget with cost breakdowns (Use may prefer to use the templates for Budget Plan provided)Excel Budget Plan TemplateA schedule to include any critical paths that might exist and/or any dependencies between specific tasks. (Use may prefer to use the templates for Project Schedule provided)Excel Project Schedule TemplateProvide the instructor with a resource plan for your project. (You may use the templates for Resource Plan provided)Excel Resource Plan TemplateIn a paper that is a minimum of 3 pages long, based on your calculations what is the total budget for this project? According to this analysis, identify clearly and concisely at least three areas where you see potential cost savings.For each of these areas of opportunity using your understanding of the project, explain a potential change in plan to reduce costs in the project. When making recommendations for cost reductions how can you ensure these cost reductions are in the best interest of the company, i.e. you aren’t sacrificing quality in order to cut costs.Your submission should follow the essentials of APA (i.e., cover page, double-spaced, 12 pt. font, reference section at the end, in-text citations, etc.). For more information on APA, please visit the Online Library, which is available through the Resources tab.Papers should be spell-checked and submitted to Grammarly prior to submitting your paper to the drop box.”Grammarly” is a free service for Rasmussen students. Once you’ve made all of your suggested grammar corrections, submit your paper to the Drop Box, along with your Grammarly PDF report as a separate attachment. Your goal is to obtain a Grammarly score of 90 – 100%.*Grammarly instructions can be accessed by clicking on this linkGrammarly handoutGrammarly Student User Guide


Completed the Budget Plan Worksheet. Each of the three sheets are filled out to match a completed
Sheet 1)Planned
Expenditure by WBS Element; Sheet 2) Project Spend Plan; Sheet 3) Planned Expenditures

Completed the Schedule Worksheet. The single sheet is filled out to match a completed

Completed the Resource Worksheet. The
single sheet is filled out to match a completed WBS.

3.0 Page min. Explained
the resources needed and the what steps will be taken to assure all necessary
resources will be available for and during the project. Created proposals for
cost reduction which demonstrate an awareness of how to achieve cost
reduction without sacrificing quality and keeping in mind the best interests
of the company

At least two (2) in-text citations from course material (course
eBook) for the paper.

Meets page requirement (required
APA components e.g. cover page, direct quotes and reference page do not count
toward page requirement) and includes APA formatting, correct spelling,
punctuation, and grammar.

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