BCJ2201 Columbia Southern Crime of Passion Modeling Theory Questions Unit II BCJ 2501 I wrote this: Multiple stabs and gunshot to the head, perhaps post-

BCJ2201 Columbia Southern Crime of Passion Modeling Theory Questions Unit II BCJ 2501

I wrote this:

Multiple stabs and gunshot to the head, perhaps post-mortem, is a sign of a crime of passion. In most cases, murderers in such homicides have little to no history of violence. Perhaps even no signs at all of any kind of impulsive behavior. In the case of Jodi Aria, she was a victim of an obsessive relationship that reached a delusional point and went wrong from then on. Taking photos for blackmailing, showing little regard for her career and jobs so that she can stalk Alexander, tire slashing and Facebook account hacking are all signs of excessive jealousy, a symptom of obsession. She felt entitled to Alexander, I mean the erotic adventures and the passive control she had in him by playing the submissive partner proved she can control him. But events leading to the conflict, such as Alexander wanting to return to his pious life or date other women contradicted with her beliefs of domination. She, therefore, couldn’t handle the betrayal, and her the impulsive symptom of delusional, obsessive relationship took control, and she fell victim of it. Her calmness and narcissistic attributes that came after are just ways to handle the horror of the actions she did.

And I have to answer this question:

You have made a very reasonable, strong and possibly very accurate argument conclusion regarding Ms. Arias. I like where you are going. Based on the required readings for this unit, what would be your arguments against accepting the explanations of crime provided for Ms. Arias? .

And my classmate wrote this and I have to comment on it :

Shot in the face and stabbed multiple times and an ear to ear throat slash. That is personal, not self defense, but cold blooded murder. The question is asked, how could someone with no criminal past commit such a monterous crime? Well the answer could be simple. As simple as the old wives tale, “hell hath no fury like a woman scored”. In the case study it reads that she nd Alexander had broken up, and she moved away, but continued to see him for sex. This could lead to her thinking they were about to get back together, and when he announced he would be taking some one else with him to Mexico, that was the straw that broke the caels back. Maybe she was not abused by other men, only by her parents, and no one had eve seen this behavior before because no one had scorned her. The fact that Alexander lied to his family, friends, and his enter conggrigation about their relationship was a factoring roll as well. The reason behind the murder seems simple nought o me, a woman who felt as if she had been tricked into a relationship with someone who was embarrased to be seen with her, that could send someone into a blind rage very easily.


I have to answer this board question:

In this unit, we discussed the modeling theory that states we learn how to act based upon what we observe. Do you agree or disagree with this theory? Explain your answer. For example, do you act according to the behaviors modeled for you as a child?

BCJ 2201


My classmate wrote this and I have to comment on it:


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I believe that this is definitiely money well spent. The articles discussed how police officers interactions with juveniles are pivotal and can alter the future of the juvenile so I think it’s a worthwhile investment to at least try and change the behavior of the juvenile early on and try to prevent them from becoming a life long criminal.Of course, I believe the biggest influence would be the parent’s but I believe that these special units are needed. For one, there are those who do not have parents that put in the time and effort to steer them right. I also believe that it’s important to have these dedicated units because we all know that applying focus to something changes the results and the juvenile deliquincy problem in our nation is a big enough problem that deserves attention and focus.

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I have to answer this board question:

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Discuss the cycle of violence. Why is it so important to study this? How can we prevent this?

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