BOS3701 Columbia Southern Ergonomics Safety and Issues at Workplace PPT I Own a Vegetable farm and would want it to be on farming. Course Project Part 3:
BOS3701 Columbia Southern Ergonomics Safety and Issues at Workplace PPT I Own a Vegetable farm and would want it to be on farming.
Course Project Part 3: PowerPoint Presentation
In Units IV and VII, you explained a workstation and identified whether or not you thought it was ergonomically safe. For this assignment, imagine that you are an organization’s safety professional and are explaining the issues you noted previously regarding the workstation. Additionally, you will include strategies for improving the safety of the employees, and you will make recommendations for what management can do to address the ergonomics issues specific to the organization. (Hint: Make sure that you read the Unit VIII Lesson!)
Your PowerPoint presentation must be a minimum of 10 slides in length, not counting the title and reference slides. Additionally, you must use at least your textbook as an outside source, and all sources used must be cited and referenced according to APA standards.
Additionally, you will include audio along with your PowerPoint in order to fully explain your ideas and suggestions. If you are unfamiliar with adding audio to a PowerPoint presentation, click here to access a helpful tutorial.
If you are unable to add audio to your PowerPoint, you will use the notes section to further explain your ideas.
Resources Running head: ERGONOMICS
Jennifer Heid
Team members
The team approach to ergonomics will deliver both objective and reliable results from
assessments. The team includes; Safety manager of Big Box store, Workers Union
Representative, Industrial hygienist, ergonomist and a human resource representative.
Safety Manager
The safety manager is the representative of Big Box store management
The safety manager reports directly to the management the risks, exposures and
recommended interventions to allow cost benefit analysis.
The safety manager advices the management on Safety and Health issues within the
Union Representative
Represents the workers interests with regards to safety, remuneration and benefits
Communicates to workers what is expected of them and what they need to expect from the
The Union representative will push for the implementation of the safety and health
interventions that make workers more comfortable and productive.
Industrial Hygienist
The industrial hygienist is concerned with the quality of light, noise levels and quality of air
in the work facility.
The industrial hygienist recommends the interventions that ensure the minimal industrial
work standards are observed to prevent hazards, and injury.
Industrial hygienist takes biometric measures to provide data for analysis and decision
The work of an ergonomist is to evaluate the suitability of the workplace to enable workers to
work safely.
The Ergonomist will evaluate workstations, working benches and their suitability for
productive and safe working.
The ergonomist evaluates provisions for lifting heavy loads and safety procedures at the
work place. The ergonomist also evaluates the administrative, engineering controls and the
use of personal protective equipments (PPE) for safety.
Human Resource Department Representative
The human resources department needs to be aware of all the legal safety standards that the
firm needs to implement and advice the management to prevent legal challenges.
The human resource management is able to facilitate dialogue between workers and the
management from workers perspective.
1. The ergonomist team
The team mentioned above will evaluate the working environment where Amy works. The team
will evaluate the workstation where Amy works. The team will determine the working bench
height, the equipments operated by Amy and their position with concern to the work. The team
will evaluate the quality of light, noise levels and air quality. With concern with Amy workplace
there is need to evaluate if there are weights being lifted at the work station and the potential
hazards that may have caused Amy knee, hip and back pains. The safety shoes in use with regard
to quality and suitability. The working hours is an issue of concern, is she being remunerated for
overtime as a motivation to remain productive and satisfied with her work as a cashier. The
Human Resources in charge of deployment can evaluate possibility of job rotation to minimize
injury and exposure to long working hours. The team would also determine if other employees in
similar work have the same complaints.
The team may recommend the implementation of proper safety shoes, use of personal protective
equipments and redesigning of the workstation to make it more comfortable and safe to work.
The team needs to push through with implementation of the suggested interventions because the
symptoms from Amy complaint are work related. There is need to intervene to prevent similar
complaints from the large workforce of 2000. Hazards that arise from unsafe working
environment may be a risk to the organization because of potential compensation claims. The
Union can engage the Big Box Store legally if there is no implementation of the teams’
recommendation. The implementation would prevent rise in the workers complaints with regard
to work related hazards. The cost of implementing interventions may be far much less compared
to workers compensation that may be awarded by courts of law from workplace hazards and
disability claims.
During recruitment the firm needs to determine suitability of employees to the long working
hours and also being accused of disability discrimination that is prohibited. The discrimination of
employees based on gender, disability is prohibited by law, however based on workplace data the
firm is better placed to determine the most suitable persons for the jobs even after modification
of the workplace, workstations and provision of PPE’s.
Stack, T., Ostrom, L. T., & Wilhelmsen, C. A. (2016). Occupational ergonomics: A practical approach.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Unit LessonWell, here we are; the course is nearing completion, and you will soon
have another Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) course behind you in your
pursuit of your degree. We only have a couple more hurdles here to finish —the first
being the reading of the case studies found in Chapter 16. You may also want to
spend some time with the appendices found after the last chapter.After reviewing
this unit’s materials, make certain to review your grades so far. Make sure that you
have completed all of the other units and have received a grade for them. It would
be terrible if you thought everything was good when, in fact, there was an issue. The
Unit VIII Course Project will also be due this unit. For the Unit VIII Project, you will
be required to submit a PowerPoint presentation based upon the work you
completed in Units IV and VII. Specific instructions will be provided in the syllabus.
Please make sure that you read them carefully.Let us now review some of the things
we have completed up to this point in the course. Each chapter of the textbook
presented a different ergonomics-related topic. The course materials also provided a
number of examples to align with these various topics, and we relied on our
hypothetical employees, Amy and Adam, to help apply some of the key points
presented in the materials to jobs that most people have some familiarity with. Most
people have had a car serviced, and most people have shopped at a big-box store.
Not everyone who takes this course is a career safety person. Some of you may be
truck drivers, waitresses, or stay-at-home parents. Hopefully, some of the examples
provided in the unit lessons helped you to relate to the materials and helped you to
consider the various steps involved in evaluating workstations and recommending
ergonomic controls for a given job.We have yet to consider implementation of
recommended controls, however. Strangely enough, this can sometimes be one of
the most difficult aspects of providing employees with a safe and helpful workplace.
This is because people make up organizations and subsequently need to be
considered when it comes to developing and implementing any organizational
change effort. Organizational research has shown that employee involvement is not
only tied to successful change efforts but to organizational effectiveness (Amah&
Ahiauzu, 2013). This includes change efforts that deal with worker safety and health.
Not every employee will necessarily have a desire to follow new protocols related to
safety and health in the workplace. For instance, Amy’s new $100 shoes that are
designed to make standing more bearable may not align with her fashion sense, and
calling for assistance to maneuver heavier items at the checkout counter may seem
like more of a nuisance to her than what it is worth; Amy may not want to anger
grumpy customers by slowing down the line. Likewise, Adam may forego utilizing
some of the materials handling carts, which were purchased to help him and other
employees to move tires and batteries around the shop, because they are too time
consuming to hunt down and use.UNIT VIIISTUDY GUIDEGetting Buy-In
BOS 3701, Industrial Ergonomics2The tendency for employees not to follow newly
implemented safety and health measures, which includes proper application of
ergonomics-related controls, can be problematic and frustrating to the person who
oversees the safety program at any facility or jobsite. Getting employees to follow
the rules is not always an easy thing to do. Oftentimes, a given safety-related
practice may interfere with productivity or may be perceived as a nuisance or an
interruption to the employees’ daily routine that has otherwise remained the same
for years. So what is an OSH practitioner to do?Generally, there are three
approaches to getting employees to comply. The first is to set up a safety and health
program (including an ergonomics program), which documents policies and
procedures that require compliance with safety rules. Such a program would require
job hazard analysis, implementation of controls and work rules, training, and
disciplinary procedures for noncompliance. A final step of this approach would
require a periodic review of the program. This is a traditional compliance approach
to safety in the workplace. Indeed, if an employer is cited by the OccupationalSafety
and Health Administration (OSHA) for a standard violation, and the employer
chooses to argue that the employee was at fault for not following the company’s
safety rules, the OSHA compliance officer will check to see if such a program exists
at the facility or site and if employees are consistently disciplined for noncompliance.
If all of these elements are not in place, then a citation may be forthcoming. It is one
thing to have a written program on the shelf, but it is quite another to fully implement
such a program.Of course, forcing employees to comply with rules does not
necessarily ensure that employees will always go along with what is expected. The
compliance model only ensures that employees will make an effort not to get caught.
There is often nothing to prevent employees from removing safety glasses or not
using the new lifting device when the safety supervisor has moved on to inspect
other departments.The second approach for getting employees to comply with
safety and health-related expectations employs an approach to get employees to
actually want to follow the rules by appealing to human psychology. One of the best
ways to go about doing this is through the implementation of a safety and health
management system that includes a high level of commitment by top managers
along with a high degree of employee involvement in all phases of the safety
program’s development, implementation, and continuous improvement processes.
Such an approach obviously includes hazard recognition and control efforts, training,
and program effectiveness evaluation.This second approach is consistent with what
has come to be known as a safety and health management system, and many of
OSHA’s ergonomics-related recommendations for specific industries utilize
thisapproach (OSHA, n.d.). It is important for top managers to be highly committed
to such an endeavor so that employees clearly recognize that safety and health are
core values of the organization and that shortcuts should not be taken when it
comes to worker safety and health. Employee involvement is also crucial to the
success of such an approach. When people have an opportunity to provide input in
how to best do their jobs safely, they are much more likely to follow through with
implementing the controls. This is because the frontline employee typically
understands his or her job better than anybody and, oftentimes, can offer the best
solution to a given problem. Also, participation in the process also results in
employees buying into the solution because they are allowed to be a part of the
solution rather than having a solution that may ormay not work forced upon
them.Such systems are based on the total quality management (TQM) model, and
standards have been developed by a number of organizations such as the American
National Standards Institute, the International Standards Organization, and even
OSHA to help employers implement such an approach in their organizations (Pardy
& Andrews, 2010). Other psychologically based approaches involve behavior-based
safety systems, which are often used by organizations with more sophisticated
safety and health management systems that involve a behavior reward system for
safe behaviors noted by an observer (often a coworker) (Pardy & Andrews, 2010).Of
course, these latter approaches have books written about them, and it would be
difficult to do them justice in a few short paragraphs, but you will certainly run across
these approaches elsewhere in CSU’s OSH program. Suffice it to say that much
attention has been paid to overcoming unsafe behavior in the workplace and that
there are opportunities out there for the safety practitioner who is grappling with the
issue of getting employees to follow the rules.
BOS 3701, Industrial Ergonomics3We have come to the end of our final unit lesson.
In this course, you have had an opportunity to learn a great deal about ergonomics,
and hopefully you will be able to apply much of what has been learned to your
workplace. In this last unit, you will also have an opportunity to apply key
ergonomics-related concepts to the workplace scenario that you have dealt with in
the previous two units by putting together a PowerPoint presentation. Before you
submit it, picture yourself in the audience, and see how the presentation flows. This
presentation needs to be both entertaining and enlightening. Capture the audience
right out of the gate, and keep them engaged throughout the entire presentation.
You have been in classes before or in presentations where you fell asleep in the first
five minutes or have completely tuned out within the first two slides. You have the
power to make a difference here with this presentation. Make it yours, and make it
wonderful. Have others look and listen to your presentation. Get a lot of feedback,
and make any appropriate changes before you submit. You are capable of putting
together awell thought-out presentation!ReferencesAmah, E., & Ahiauzu, A. (2013).
Employee involvement and organizational effectiveness. The Journal of
Management Development, 32(7), 661-674.OccupationalSafety & Health
Administration.(n.d.). Prevention of musculoskeletal disorders in the
workplace.Retrieved from,
W., & Andrews, T. (2010). Integrated management systems: Leading strategies and
solutions. Plymouth, UnitedKingdom: Government Institutes.
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