BUAD 326 The New Year’s Eve Crisis Case Analysis Essay Hello, INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT: Read Case “The New Year’s Eve Crisis” (class handout). Review “Atta
BUAD 326 The New Year’s Eve Crisis Case Analysis Essay Hello,
Read Case “The New Year’s Eve Crisis” (class handout).
Review “Attachment E: Analyzing Ethics Case,” which may be found in the syllabus and on Blackboard in the “Ethics Cases Materials” content area. Using the six questions, “Case Analysis Method for BUAD 326,” prepare a three page analysis of “The New Year’s Eve Crisis” case. Use subheads for each of the six questions. As you think about the case, make notes for yourself of any questions that you have about the case analysis method.
Using the case analysis method and the six questions, we will “walk through” the case in class. Be prepared to discuss your own analysis of the case. Also be prepared to share any questions that you have about analyzing cases. We will use this case analysis method throughout the semester, and understanding it is important to your success in the course.
Bring two copies of your answers to class on Monday, 02/08. One copy will be submitted to the professor, and you’ll use the other copy as we discuss the case in class on 9/07 and in the following class.
Your case analysis essay that you submit will be graded on the basis of your having read and prepared essay answers about each step of the case analysis method. Your answers will not be graded on “right”, “wrong” or “maybe right/wrong” but will graded to verify that you have read the case, thought about your answers to each question in the Case Analysis Method, and have demonstrated your thought process by writing answers, in essay format, about each question. This is a practice case and the first time that we have reviewed the Case Analysis Method. I do not expect you to provide a thorough written analysis, as you will later in the semester, especially for questions 5 and 6. While a full case analysis will be eight to ten pages for teams, I expect your analysis about this case to be three pages. Use subheads for each of the six questions. You will most likely add a lot of detail to your essay answers as we discuss the case in class, and those addeddetails will be helpful to you later when you write your own analyses.
Submit an electronic copy of your paper notes via SafeAssign by 2:00 pm on the due date by clicking on the hyperlinked title above..
So you can help me? Please let me know Classification of Ethical Issues in Business
Susan D. Baker and Debra R. Comer1
This list contains five broad categories for classifying ethical issues that may arise in business. Some
examples of specific types of these issues are bullet-pointed in each category.
Human Resource Issues
(responsibilities employers have to their
• hiring, compensation, performance appraisal,
discipline, and termination procedures
• training
• company benefits
• privacy (drug testing)
• privacy (e-mail, voicemail, computer,
hacking, whacking, phone eavesdropping)
• diversity discrimination
• sexual harassment
• favoritism
• bullying
• occupational health and safety
• work-life balance
• company’s loyalty to employees
Consumer Confidence Issues
(responsibilities employers and employees have
to their customers/clients)
• customer confidentiality/privacy
• product safety
• truth in advertising (withholding information
from customers, hiding/distorting/ falsifying
• treatment of customers regarding pricing,
billing, quality, etc.
• selling customers products/services they don’t
• favoritism toward/discrimination against
Use of Corporate Resources Issues
(responsibilities employees have to their
employers and fellow employees)
• use of corporate reputation
• use of corporate resources
• compliance with oversight agencies (e.g.,
accrediting bodies or regulators)
• reports and reporting practices
• providing honest information
• employee theft (ideas, supplies, time, expense
account padding)
• fraud
• employee integrity (honesty, taking credit for
someone else’s ideas/work, stealing someone
else’s ideas/work, not taking responsibility for
one’s mistakes, asking for special treatment
that co-workers don’t receive, doing one’s
share of work)
• employee loyalty to company
Conflict of Interest Issues
(responsibilities employees have to their
employers and stakeholders)
• overt bribes
• subtle bribes (gifts, entertainment)
• use of personal influence (to benefit family
and/or friends)
• use of privileged information/insider trading
• company-vendor relations
Corporate Social Responsibility Issues
(responsibilities organizations have to their
• public health and safety
• environmental (e.g., conservation of natural
resources, environmental pollution,
environmental sustainability)
• corporate philanthropy by company (includes
community service)
Other Ethical Issues (Not Included in
Above Categories or Applicable to More
Than One Category)
• whistleblowing
• fiduciary responsibilities
©2014 Susan D. Baker and Debra R. Comer. Adapted
from Baker, S. D., & Comer, D. R. (2012). ‘Business
ethics everywhere’: An experiential exercise to develop
students’ ability to identify and respond to ethical issues
in business Journal of Management Education, 36(1),
95 – 125.
BUAD 326: Comparison of Moral Theories1
Moral Theory
Underlying Principles
What people
should aspire to
do. Focuses on
the outcome (the
Makes decisions based on ethical
consequences (H & DesJ)
Utilitarians tend to be pragmatic thinkers no act is ever absolutely right or absolutely
wrong in all situations (H & DesJ)
Two conflicting view of util:
“Administrative” (government makes rules
for greater good of public) vs. “market” (in
free and competitive consumer market,
consumers will act in their self-interests,
which promotes greatest good) (H & DesJ)
—————————————– The utility or usefulness of an act is
measured by its projected outcome: which
act brings the greatest happiness, i.e. “The
greatest good for the greatest number,” or
the greatest net benefit for society (may
also be considered in terms of “least harm,
which also can be the greatest net benefit
to society)
Acts themselves are neither moral nor
Character or intent of individual doesn’t
Two kinds of utilitarianism: Act (measure
the outcome of the act) and Rule (too hard to
measure each act, so use this rule: the right
act is the one based on the most important
principle (Court system)
1. Contributes to economic free
market (H & DesJ) (economy &
economic institutions are
utilitarian, acting to provide
highest standard of living for
greatest number, not to provide
wealth for a privileged few (H &
2. Contributes to policy-making (H
& DesJ)
3. Makes us think about the
consequences (H & DesJ)
———————————–4. Considering greatest good for
greatest number can defeat
prejudices and selfishness
5. A great number may benefit
while harm is minimized
6. Cost-Benefit Analysis most
often used by business: The
utilitarian principle is effective
in marketplace economy where
buyers seek to maximize their
pleasure (goods and services),
which stimulates the economy
1. Counting, comparing, measuring,
quantifying consequences of alternative
actions is very difficult (H & DesJ);
some things can be measured in
monetary terms but other, less tangible
thing are difficult to measure (e.g.
employee morale, human life L&W)
2. It shifts our thinking from the earliest
tradition of considering the “means” to
considering the ends ((H & DesJ)
3. Difficult to know how everyone will be
affected by our decisions (H & DesJ)
4. Does not exhaust the range of ethical
concerns (H & DesJ)
——————————————-5. Some may be harmed
6. Util. fails because it is really two
principles: greatest good and greatest
numbers. At some point these two
principles conflict.
7. Can’t balance benefits received by
majority against harms imposed upon a
minority (justice denied, fairness denied)
Key word:
The ends
Based on Hosmer, L (2003). The Ethics of Management (4th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin, pp. 92-101; Reese, W.L. (1999). Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion. Amerherst, NY:
Humanity Books, pp. 799-800; Hartman & Desjardins (2011). Business Ethics (2nd ed.), Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin, pp. 96-121; Lawrence & Weber (2017). Business and Society (15th ed.).
Boston: McGraw-Hill, pp. 106-109.
Copyright 2017. Susan D. Baker. All rights reserved.
Moral Theory
Underlying Principles
Rights (also
What people
should aspire to
do. Focuses on
the intent (the
Kant: essential fundamental principle that
all should follow: respect the dignity of
each human being (H & DesJ)
Humans said to have fundamental right of
autonomy (self-rule) (H & DesJ)
Rules-based tradition: 1) legal rules, 2)
organization rules, 3) role-based rules, and
4) professional rules (H & DesJ)
Gatekeeper function ensure integrity of
economic, legal, and finance systems (H &
The rules are part of a social contract
within society (H & DesJ)
———————————————– Based on duties or obligations of an
Person must act in every situation in a way
that he/she would want all other people to
act in that situation
No situational ethics – laws are absolute
All laws must be obeyed in every
situation! – even if someone is harmed
What makes an act right or wrong is how
it aligns with a certain principle or rule
The moral worth of an action depends
upon the intentions of person making the
decision or acting the act – the means, not
the ends
Shifts focus from what a person should do
to what a person is (H & DesJ)
Seeks to understand how traits are formed
and which traits help or hinder a
meaningful, worthwhile, and satisfying
human life (H & DesJ)
Ancient Greeks had 4 primary virtues:
courage, moderation, wisdom, and justice
1. Recognizes duties and rights (H
& DesJ)
2. Emphasizes human rights (H &
3. Protects certain human interests
— individual rights trump the
greatest good (H & DesJ)
——————————4. Provides rules
5. Treats all people equally
6. Respects human dignity and
individual rights
1. a “wish list”: too many rights to be
claimed (H & DesJ)
2. What do you do when two rights conflict
(H & DesJ) e.g., employee right to
privacy vs. employer right to test for
honesty? (L&W)
3. Who has the duty to provide the rights?
(H & DesJ)
————————————-4. What if someone harmed?
5. What if two absolutes are in conflict
(e.g. never lie; never harm another)?
6. No “in between” areas – everything is an
absolute, either right or wrong
7. Rights can sometimes be confused with
1. Reminds us to consider
character (H & DesJ)
2. Offers advice on how to live (H
& DesJ)
———————————3. Recognizes development of
character over time
4. Encourages practice of good
1. Too complex and individualistic for
business problems
2. Whose values are the “right” values to
decide a complex problem? (L&W)
3. Assumes that the virtuous person will do
the right thing to the right degree to the
right person at the right time right, which
is a difficult measurement for a business
Key words:
Rights and
Duties; also “The
Virtue ethics
What people
should aspire to
Key words:
Pursuing a good
Copyright 2017. Susan D. Baker. All rights reserved.
Moral Theory
Justice (Rawls)
Key word:
Underlying Principles
(H & DesJ)
Early Christians had 3 primary virtues:
faith, hope, and charity (H & DesJ)
—————————————– Virtue ethics begins with “what
characteristics make a good person?”
“The rational pursuit of excellence”
Virtues are developed by exercising
intellect (through teaching) and by
practicing (through habit) – which
involves the ability to reason
Virtuous person lives by the Golden Mean
(Aristotle) in all situations: doing the right
thing to the right degree to the right person
at the right time
Devised by modern philosopher
Since none of the three classical theories
can be used to judge ALL moral situations
and circumstances, Rawls proposed
judging all situations based on only one
concept: Justice
Says that each person in society would
prefer to receive a greater distribution of
benefits than a lesser share
Rawls believes that Justice is the first
value of social institutions (just as truth is
first value of belief systems)
Social norms must be abolished or
changed if they are found to be unjust -even if they are age-old or effective
Benefits are distributed equitably
according to an accepted rule (L&W)
Fair distribution is not necessarily an
equitable distribution
5. Results in unselfish motives and
fair treatment of all
4. Being ‘virtuous” doesn’t necessarily
mean being concerned about others’
rights or benefits as long as the virtuous
person is good, honest, truthful….
1. Everyone receives benefits to
some extent
2. “The lesser” (poor, uneducated,
needy) are not harmed
3. Promotes social cooperation.
4. This concept is closely linked to
those of human dignity, the
common good, and human
1. Based on idea that social cooperation
provides the basis for all economic and
social benefits; individual effort is
downplayed or disregarded (sometimes
nothing happens if one person doesn’t
step forward and take the responsibility
to make it happen)
2. How to determine what is a “fair share:
for someone
3. Benefits are distributed unequally
Copyright 2017. Susan D. Baker. All rights reserved.
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