BUS687 Ashford Quarter One and Quarterly Business Part II: First Quarter Quarterly Business Review (QBR). You must submit your Quarter One Decisions prior

BUS687 Ashford Quarter One and Quarterly Business Part II: First Quarter Quarterly Business Review (QBR). You must submit your Quarter One Decisions prior to moving on this week’s Quarterly Business Review assignment. Prior to beginning work on the First Quarter Quarterly Business Review, review the following through the Growing Your Business simulation, the Variance Analysis video and the content from the Suggestions for Quarter Two Decisions pop-up. The video will provide you with a variety of financial tools, routinely used in Financial Planning & Analysis, for planning, meeting commitments and growth purposes. These are tools any business leader, regardless of function, needs to have a working knowledge. Real world examples will be presented throughout the simulation. You can always re-watch the Variance Analysis video in the Supplementary Review Materials in the Help section. In addition, there is a TRI Corp Critical Equation in PDF format that can also be found in the same section. Additionally, read Turning bean counters into difference makers: How corporate finance is changing with the times, Why financial dashboards matter, and Five pointers to get you started, and What are your financial statements telling you.

With the completion of Q1 you are responsible for completing your first Quarterly Business Review (QBR). This is a qualitative and quantitative summary of your competitive performance for Q1. Business reviews (or Operational Reviews) are a routine part of annual corporate activities and are very cross-functional in nature. A major component of a QBR is around meeting commitments that are embedded in your budgetary planning process. Meeting commitments are seen explicitly in your Variances. These learnings are designed to enhance your performance in future Quarters.

The Quarterly Business Review Assignment

Must be completed through the Growing Your Business simulation.
After logging in, go to the Quarterly Decisions tab on the top right of the simulation site and then click on the Executive Summary tab to access the Quarterly Business Review section.
Must be completed and submitted using all of the data provided including
Quarterly Pre-Tax Net Income relative to Plan for the Quarter
Review the Pre-Tax Net Income Chart Explanation PowerPoint
Cash Flow walk
Pre-tax Net Income in Plan
Must show that Hisco is on track to Meet/Exceed its Annual Net Income Commitment through an evaluation of both quantitative and qualitative techniques for business analysis and decision making.
Must create specific business tactics to achieve organizational survival and growth.
After completing, check the box and submit in the lower right.
After completing the simulation, students must save the provided pdf from the pdf found within the Executive Summary tab of the Quarterly Decisions page and submit it through Waypoint. Verify your submission was successful.
To access the PDF for submission, click on the QTRLY Decisions tab from the simulation home page and then go to the Executive Summary tab. Within the Executive Summary page, you will find a Download link associated with each quarterly decision you completed.
Remember, you will be receiving feedback on your QBR each quarter. You should review the feedback prior to submitting next quarter’s decisions, as there may be some critical learning that can help your performance in the next quarter.
Must use scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types.
Must document any information used from sources in APA style.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style.

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