Business owner complaint letter Assignment 1: Pessuasive 1. Write a complaint letter to a business owner/Initial response Think about a negative customer

Business owner complaint letter Assignment 1: Pessuasive

1. Write a complaint letter to a business owner/Initial response

Think about a negative customer service experience you had recently. Write a letter to the business owner or the company’s customer service department explaining what happened. Be sure to use a credible tone and specific examples to persuade the owner that your experience is valid. Also find a way to encourage a response from the company. You may ask for reasonable compensation, if appropriate.

2. Write an email reply to a customer demanding a refund.

You are the customer service manager at a small company, and one of your employees has escalated a customer complaint to your attention. The customer reported that an expensive, customized product he purchased does not function as advertised, and he is demanding his money back.

Write an email to this customer to explain your company’s refund policy, describe what action will be taken to fix the problem, and restore the customer’s confidence in your company.

Assignment 2:

Persuasive Messages

We try to persuade others all the time in our daily lives, and professional writing is no different. Whether you’re trying to persuade employees or customers that changes to a business will be beneficial or respond to allegations, persuasion in necessary. Chapter 7 of our text covers many different persuasive techniques, including the three rhetorical appeals, logos, ethos, and pathos, which you may remember from your public speaking and/or logic classes. For this discussion, we’re going to focus in on how persuasion is used in professional writing.

For your initial post, you will go (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and choose one persuasive message from the Company Sample list for Chapter 7. Then, read that message and analyze its persuasiveness. In your initial post, due Tuesday 9/13, identify the message and give a brief summary of the message. Then, answer the following questions: What persuasive techniques does it use?, How successful, or not, is it?, and What do you think could be improved?

Respond to at least two of your peers by Friday 9/16. How does the message they picked compare to yours? Which is more persuasive? What could make each message more persuasive?

Assignment 3:

Bad News Messages:

1.What is an opening buffer? Why/when are they needed?

2. When would you use the direct organization strategy in a bad news message?

3. When would you use the indirect organization strategy in a bad news message?

4. Why shouldn’t you apologize for your decision when giving bad news?

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