California Early Childhood Education Fact Findings The question is in the document, please read the website the professor provide and answer all the questi
California Early Childhood Education Fact Findings The question is in the document, please read the website the professor provide and answer all the question carefully. Do not need to be too long but make sure answer all the question and hit all the point. California Early Childhood Education
Name the options for child care in California:
Find and bookmark the websites for:
Department of Social Services
Title 22 Licensing Regulations
Title 5 Regulations Title 1, Chapter 19
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing
California Teacher Permit Matrix (on a website called CDTC)
Desired Results Developmental Profiles
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
California Association for the Education of Young Children (CAEYC)
PAEYC- a local division of CAEYC
Title 22
1) What are Title 22 Regulations?
2) Who is affected by these regulations?
3) Find one regulation regarding napping in a child development center. What does it say?
4) What regulations affect family child care facilities?
Child Development Permits- (From Matrix)
5) What is the highest level of child development permit that you can earn?
6) What are the basic requirements to obtain this permit?
7) What is the minimum amount of units needed to apply for a permit?
8) Which courses are required as the “core classes”?
(From CCTC)
9) What is the name of the application you would fill out to apply for a Child Development Permit?
10) What is LiveScan?
Child Development Permits cont. (From Nicole)
11) What is the benefit of applying for one? Who requires it?
12) How many units are required in order to be left alone with children?
8) What are Desired Results Developmental Profiles?
9) Who has profiles done for them?
10) What ages are covered by DRDP’s and how are they grouped?
11) What are the NAEYC and CAEYC?
12) What do they do?
13) What are 3 ways you can benefit from the Association?
14) Locate some information on Developmentally Appropriate Practice.
Title 5
15) What are California’s Title 5 Regulations?
16) What Chapter(s) of Title 5 affect early childhood education?
17) Where would you find information about staffing ratios?
18) If you want to work in a Title 5 school, what do you need to have?
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