CAP 250 Wedding Ceremonies Research Paper write me an essay that plan’s an Indian wedding, Somali wedding, Lutheran wedding detail of how you would plan ea
CAP 250 Wedding Ceremonies Research Paper write me an essay that plan’s an Indian wedding, Somali wedding, Lutheran wedding detail of how you would plan each wedding if you were a wedding planner and talk about each of the cultures a little bit about their history and meaning behind there tradition wedding. i need work cited page and has to be 5-6 AA Capstone Course – Grading Rubric
Individualized Project
Course #
Total Points Possible
CAP 250
Student Name
(Part A = 25 pts)
(Part B = 100 pts)
(Part C = 25 pts)
Points Received
PART A: organizing the individualized project
1) Proposing the project
Needs Improvement (0-4)
Adequate (5-7)
Accomplished (8-10)
Student did not meet or rarely met
assignment expectations.
Student met most assignment
expectations: proposal for project
has some details and the type of
project is moderately clear to
Student exceeded most assignment
expectations: proposal for project has clear,
relevant, understandable details and the
type of project is very clear to instructor.
PART A: 2) Creating a timeline/work flow for the project
Needs Improvement (0-10)
Adequate (11-13)
Accomplished (14-15)
Student did not meet or rarely met
assignment expectations.
Student met most assignment
expectations: timeline/work flow for
project has some details and dates.
Student exceeded most assignment
expectations: timeline/work flow for project
has clear details, dates, and expectations
for completion of the work.
PART B: Grading the individualized project
1) Ideas and content
Needs Improvement (0-10)
Adequate (11-15)
Accomplished (16-20)
Student did not meet or rarely met
assignment expectations.
Student’s project met most
assignment expectations as laid out
in the project proposal: ideas and
content were clear to instructor, and
ideas were relevant to the project.
Student’s project exceeded most
assignment expectations: the project has
clear, relevant, understandable details, and
all ideas and content are interrelated to
support the project as a whole.
Needs Improvement (0-10)
Adequate (11-15)
Accomplished (16-20)
Student did not meet or rarely met
assignment expectations as laid out in
the project proposal.
Student’s project met most
assignment expectations as laid out
in the project proposal that are
important for this type of
individualized project.
Student’s project exceeded most
assignment expectations as laid out in the
project proposal that are important for this
type of individualized project.
2) Conventions of the project
3) Standard business/professional English
Needs Improvement (0-10)
Adequate (11-15)
Accomplished (16-20)
Student did not meet or rarely met
assignment expectations.
Student’s project has some
grammar errors as judged by the
standards of business/professional
Student’s project has very few grammar
errors as judged by the standards of
business/professional English.
4) Argument/main point of the project
Needs Improvement (0-10)
Adequate (11-15)
Accomplished (16-20)
Student did not meet or rarely met
assignment expectations.
Student’s project is more or less
coherent and focused around a
single argument or main point.
Student’s project has a coherent argument
or main idea, and all sub-ideas support the
main idea or argument.
Needs Improvement (0-10)
Adequate (11-15)
Accomplished (16-20)
Student did not meet or rarely met
assignment expectations.
Student’s project demonstrates
some critical and creative thought:
it acknowledges one or two elements
of thought and shows some
creativity in its creation.
Student’s project demonstrates advanced
critical and creative thought: it
acknowledges several elements of thought,
and shows several creative elements in its
5) Critical and creative thought
PART C: presenting the individualized project
1) Presentation of the project
Needs Improvement (0-10)
Student did not meet or rarely met
assignment expectations.
Adequate (11-13)
Student met most assignment
expectations: classmates knew what
the project was about; ideas and
content were clear; other students
understood why presenter created
their project.
Accomplished (14-15)
Student exceeded most assignment
expectations: ideas and content were welldetailed; classmates understood the project
and were very clear about presenter’s
choice to create it.
Adequate (5-7)
Presenter could usually be heard,
and demonstrated some enthusiasm
for their topic. Presenter was
competent in their work.
Accomplished (8-10)
Presenter could always be heard, and
presenter was enthusiastic and confident.
Presenter was highly competent in their
2) Quality of presentation skills
Needs Improvement (0-4)
Student did not meet or rarely met
assignment expectations.
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