CAPP 131 Business Letter all the info on the picture, please follow the instructions carefully!! CAPP 131 Day Two Assignment • Develop a business letter to

CAPP 131 Business Letter all the info on the picture, please follow the instructions carefully!! CAPP 131 Day Two Assignment
• Develop a business letter to me recommending the need to complete a
study of retail business availability in and around Butte.
• The letter should be at least 300 words and should be written in Calibri font
with a size of 12.
Include a bulleted list of reasons for your recommendation (at least 3).
Include a numbered list of major retail business sectors currently in Butte
(i.e. restaurants, clothing, etc.).
• Highlight one sentence of text that you want to have stand out (in yellow).
• Change the color of at least one word of text from the default to red.
Use full block format.
CC: John Doe on the letter
Email the letter to me prior to the next class.

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