CIS432 Lab 2 Strayer Bike And Barge App Lab AssignmentsWorth 60 points eachPlease download this document to complete and submit: CIS432 Lab 2, Bike and Bar
CIS432 Lab 2 Strayer Bike And Barge App Lab AssignmentsWorth 60 points eachPlease download this document to complete and submit: CIS432 Lab 2, Bike and Barge AppTo review screen shot signature requirements for this lab click hereAny and all written answers must be entered into the online course shell with the submission of the attached lab assignment. Complete the labs based on the following:
Write the code for each lab assignment.
The lab is to be submitted in a single zip file in the online course shell, which must contain all .java files, along with any additional files that may be necessary for your app to run (for example, code and jar files).
Any and all written answers must be entered into the online course shell with the submission of the attached lab assignment.
Weekly Lab Breakdown
Week Due
Graded Lab Exercises
Lab 1: Sailing Adventures App
Lab 2: Bike and Barge App
Lab 3: Northern Lights Animation App
Lab 4: Electric Car Financing App
Lab 5: Publishing Your Android App
Each lab assignment will be graded based on the following:
The program must compile, execute, produce correct results, and meet all of the specifications in the weekly lab.
Additionally you must:
Organize the code for user readability.
Organize the code for reusability.
Provide documentation with embedded comments for reader understanding.
Organize the code for efficiency. CIS 432 – Mobile Programming II Labs
Lab 2: Bike and Barge App
Due Week 5 and worth 60 points
Note: Completion time may vary, but this lab will take approximately 3.5 hours to complete.
In this lab, you will create the “Bike and Barge” application. You must understand how to perform the
following processes, among others:
1. Create a Master/Detail Flow template app.
2. Add the images to the drawable folder.
3. Add text to the String table.
4. Create the photos.xml TableLayout XML file for the details pane of the first list item.
5. Create the tour.xml file for the details pane of the second list item.
6. Change the default TextView widget to a WebView widget.
7. Update the Android Manifest file to include an Internet permission.
8. Customize the DummyContent class to display the item list.
9. Customize the DummyContent class to connect to the Web site.
10. Modify the class to:
a. Display the photos.xml in the details pane
b. Display the tour.xml in the details pane.
c. Display a Web site in a browser.
The directions for this lab are located in Chapter 9 of the Android Boot Camp for Developers Using Java
text book. The steps for creating the Bike and Barge project are located on pages 342 to 371.
Capture a screenshot as you complete each one of the lab steps and paste it in the designated
spot below each step. Be sure the screen shot is signed according to the requirements document.
If there is a question in a step, your response should be included directly under the screenshot of
that step.
Submit the lab worksheet as an attachment in the online course shell.
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and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of
Strayer University.
CIS 432 Lab 2: Bike and Barge App / 1176 (05-26-17)
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CIS 432 – Mobile Programming II Labs
Lab Steps:
Using Application Templates
1. Read the introductory information and view Figure 9-1 to Figure 9-7 on pages 342 to 348. Next,
see STEP 1 and Figure 9-8: Creating the Bike and Barge Android application on pages 348 and
2. See STEP 2 and Figure 9-9: Selecting the Master/Detail Flow template on pages 349 and 350.
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and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of
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CIS 432 Lab 2: Bike and Barge App / 1176 (05-26-17)
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CIS 432 – Mobile Programming II Labs
3. See STEP 3 and Figure 9-10: Entering the Object settings on pages 350 and 351. Next, see
4. Next, read the information under “Understanding the Structure of the Master/Detail Flow
Template” and “Adding Images to the Drawable Folder,” and view Figure 9-11: template code
files in the java folder and Figure 9-12: Image files for the Bike and Barge app on pages 351 to
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CIS 432 Lab 2: Bike and Barge App / 1176 (05-26-17)
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CIS 432 – Mobile Programming II Labs
Designing an XML TableLayout
5. Read the introductory information and see STEP 1 and Figure 9-13: String table for the Bike and
Barge app on pages 354 and 355.
6. See STEP 2 and Figure 9-14: photos.xml created on pages 355 and 356.
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CIS 432 Lab 2: Bike and Barge App / 1176 (05-26-17)
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CIS 432 – Mobile Programming II Labs
7. See STEP 3 and Figure 9-15: First row of the TableLayout on pages 356 and 357.
8. See STEP 4 and Figure 9-16: Second and third rows of the TableLayout on pages 357 and 358.
9. See STEP 5 and Figure 9-17: Completed TableLayout in photos.xml on page 358.
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CIS 432 Lab 2: Bike and Barge App / 1176 (05-26-17)
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CIS 432 – Mobile Programming II Labs
Creating a TextView XML Layout for the Second List Item
10. See STEP 1 and Figure 9-18: LinearLayout for tour.xml on pages 359 and 360.
11. See STEP 2 and Figure 9-19: Second TextView control in tour.xml on page 360.
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CIS 432 Lab 2: Bike and Barge App / 1176 (05-26-17)
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CIS 432 – Mobile Programming II Labs
Creating a WebView XML Layout for the Third List Item
12. Read the introductory information and see STEP 1 and Figure 9-20: Textview control is chaged to
a WebView control on pages 361 and 362.
13. See STEP 2 and Figure 9-21: Setting permission to connect to the Internet on pages 362 and
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CIS 432 Lab 2: Bike and Barge App / 1176 (05-26-17)
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CIS 432 – Mobile Programming II Labs
14. Read the information under “Customizing the Item List” on pages 363 to 365. Next, see STEP 1
and Figure 9-22: content file on page 365.
15. See STEP 2 and Figure 9-23: Customizing the DummyItem class on page 366.
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CIS 432 Lab 2: Bike and Barge App / 1176 (05-26-17)
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CIS 432 – Mobile Programming II Labs
16. Read the information under “Displaying the Custom Layout in the Detail Pane” on pages 367 to
369. Next, see STEP 1 and Figure 9-24: class customized for the first
and second items on pages 369.
17. See STEP 2 and Figure 9-26: class customized for the third item on
page 370.
18. See STEP 3 and on page 370.
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CIS 432 Lab 2: Bike and Barge App / 1176 (05-26-17)
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CIS 432 – Mobile Programming II Labs
Running and Testing the Application
19. Follow the directions under “Running and Testing the Application” on page 371.
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