Cloud based transportation management solution Hi I have 16 assignments and I need them done by today please, I need their answer like essays thank 10:51 P
Cloud based transportation management solution Hi I have 16 assignments and I need them done by today please, I need their answer like essays thank 10:51 PM Thu Jan 31
Freight Broker/Agent Training / Lesson 1: The Basics of Freight Brokering / Lesson 1 Assignment
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A 1 Attempt(s) Remaining
Your grade is determined by your only attempt.
Create a list of at least five characteristics that are needed to be a successful freight broker. Save your list in a Microsoft
Word file or a Notepad document.
Submitting Your Assignment
This is a graded assignment. Be sure to save your file using this naming protocol:
lastname_Assignment). So if your last name was Jones, you would name your file
Jones_Assignment1. When you are ready to submit your assignment, use the upload feature below.
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10:52 PM Thu Jan 31
Freight Broker/Agent Training / Lesson 2: Setting Up Your Business and Office / Lesson 2 Assignment
Your grade is determined by your only attempt.
Do some brainstorming, either by yourself or with friends or family members, and come up with 15 possible names for your
business. Research each of the business names on the Web to see if they’re available. Eliminate any names from your list
that are taken. If your prospective names are all taken, then you’ll need to come up with some additional options, such as
variations on the names you originally chose.
Get feedback from your family and friends on what names they like best and why, and narrow your choice to three names. I
don’t want you to submit the three names you choose, in case a classmate sees a name and chooses it for his or her own
business. Instead, submit a list of names that you thought of but were taken.
Also submit three choices that you decided against, and explain your reasons for omitting these choices.
Submitting Your Assignment
This is a graded assignment. Be sure to save your file using this naming protocol:
lastname_Assignment2. So if your last name was Jones, you would name your file
Jones_Assignment2. When you are ready to submit your assignment, use the upload feature below.
Docume submission
10:52 PM Thu Jan 31
Freight Broker/Agent Trai… / Lesson 3: Setting Goals and Developing Your Corporate Id… / Lesson 3 Assignment – P…
New Submission
A 1 Attempt(s) Remaining
Your grade is determined by your only attempt.
Part 1
Use what you’ve learned to complete this Goal-setting Form for two or three of your goals. Please submit at least two goals
to us. We will grade them on a pass-fail basis. That means if you fill out and submit the form, you pass. We won’t grade you
or judge you on the goals you set—we just want you to set them!
We’ve included a form with Sample Answers on it so you can get a sense of how other students have answered. Feel free to
email me with questions about the form or about goal-setting in general.
Submitting Your Assignment
This is a graded assignment. Be sure to save your file using this naming protocol:
lastname_Assignment3_Goals. So if your last name was Jones, you would name your file
Jones_Assignment3_Goals. When you are ready to submit Part 1 of your assignment, use the upload feature below.
Now Submission
10:51 PM Thu Jan 31
Freight Broker/Agent Training / Lesson 1: The Basics of Freight Brokering / Lesson 1 Assignment
New Submission
A 1 Attempt(s) Remaining
Your grade is determined by your only attempt.
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