Coakley’s Discussion board question and reply Read Chapter 2 “Coakley” (attached below)Complete the discussion board question and reply back to one post. (
Coakley’s Discussion board question and reply Read Chapter 2 “Coakley” (attached below)Complete the discussion board question and reply back to one post. (attached below) Read Chapter 2 “Coakley”
Part 1:
Complete the following discussion board question
Why does Coakley suggest many people tend to view the world around them from a functionalist
perspective? Who benefits most when the majority of people view the world through a functionalist perspective?
How might women’s current reality in sports and physical activity be different if people only viewed the world
through a functionalist perspective? Make sure to follow the guidelines for discussion posts.
Discussion Posts Guideline:
Being an on-line course, a large portion of your grade comes through participation. You earn participation points through the weekly postings
for which you are responsible. Your posts should answer the question posed using information from the readings, lectures, and your own
thoughts. Make sure not to copy the structure or content of other students’ posts. Your discussions should be in-depth and insightful. You
must include at least one direct quote (with quotation marks and proper citation) from the assigned readings/lecture to help anchor you post
and to build an in depth discussion from there. You should think of your posts as not only answering the prompt (which it must due) but also
extending the discussion with your group members. The rubric for participation can be found under Course Documents. Due to the important
nature of the discussion boards, expectations are high. No late posts are accepted.
Part 2: Second post (an insightful reply to one of your group member’s original posting)
Reply to back to the following post:
It’s easy for Americans to view the world as theirs and view sports from a functionalists perspective as Coakley
hints, where the functionalist theory is a simplistic social point of view where one size fits all, saying that we all
have the same perspective and sports are there purely for positive social reasons. This perspective mostly takes
into account the fans and viewers and stands as an unrealistically upbeat theory. As stated on page 39 the
Functionalist theory is based on a social system where “general system needs” are met and doesn’t take into
account much else. It’s therefore easy for the masses to take on the functionalist perspective and pretend that
everything is for the good. The owners of the sports teams benefit the most when the masses view the world from
a functionalist view point and don’t take into account all the minutia that truly exists. If people purely view sports
as a recurring, leisurely social event the owners stand to benefit from all the profits being made. The reality of all
that is going on in the background is ignored and swept under the rug in silence because the perspective is so
narrow and sidesteps reality, versus using a critical or interactionist theory. Women in sports as far as earning fair
wages and as status symbols would come to a halt if they were viewed only from a functionalist point of view. As
the heading on page 33 states “Functionalist Theory: Sports Preserve the Status Quo,” would keep an environment
where people wouldn’t challenge the existing setup and women would cease to move forward as athletes and
individuals who deserve recognition. After decades of televised sports, women are just now starting to be given
the opportunity to be sportscasters and analyze games and athletes dominated by men. This never would have
occurred if sports were viewed from a purely functionalist stance.
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