College athletes should be paid Discussion Eight pages, MLA, why you think college athletes should be paid. At least 3 sources cited with one multimedia re

College athletes should be paid Discussion Eight pages, MLA, why you think college athletes should be paid. At least 3 sources cited with one multimedia resource. Attached is my proposal and what the paper should be about. Marcus
I roposal
Paper 4
I plan on writing about College Athletes and
how they should be compensated for playing
I plan
Explaining how college athletes
needs. This will be backed up by an article
Sound online. Then it will show a graph
ok graduation rates of athletes because graduation
Rates low. They Are low because most
athletes leave School Early to go pro and only
a small percentage succed. My last point will be
about injuries. I will find an article online
talking about the Career ending injuries
College athletes face and tie it back to how
should be paid because they are
at Risk. My last point will be that
Make their schools Millions
of dollars Devenue and don’t see any of
College athletes
English 1A
Fourth Paper
The fourth paper assignment is about a topic that is interesting to you. It can be based on one of
the topics in EA Chapters 21 through 25. Each of these chapters explores a significant social
Concept: Your paper will present an argument of your own, where you will use research to prove
your claim. Consider carefully, as you develop your proposal, to determine if your research will
support your claim. If it doesn’t, adjust your claim or research accordingly,
Outside sources: Our textbook essays can provide three of these. The other sources are best
located at our library and through the academic databases, including those provided at our
orientation last week. Remember that at least one has multimedia resources within it. You may use
multimedia resources in your paper. Be sure to cite them.
Deliverables: Submit a paragraph proposal of what you intend to prove. Then, prewrite possible
ways of proving it. Write an outline that includes the sources you plan to use. Complete a first draft
with sources. Complete a final draft. Your paper final should be about eight pages in length, not
including the Works Cited page.
Your grade will be summary of timely submission of proposal, outline, research, first draft with
sources and final paper. Additionally, you’ll be graded on ideation, clear claim with plan of
development, source choice and use, organization, MLA formatting, WRC receipt, in class
presentation as well as grammar and sentence structure.
Also, you’ll present your final paper in class. You may read your paper to the class, narrate a
power point or create a video. The purpose behind this choice is to clearly present your claim and
proof in the best manner possible. The presentation should be at least three minutes long with an
additional a few minutes at the end for questions from classmates.
Proposal due: 1/30
Prewriting due: 1/31
Outline and Research due: 2/5
First draft due (with three copies to share) 2/6
In class presentation: 2/7
Due on on 2/7 at midnight

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