Columbia Southern University Current Trends in Advertising Article Review Using the CSU Online Library, locate an article that discusses an area of interes

Columbia Southern University Current Trends in Advertising Article Review Using the CSU Online Library, locate an article that discusses an area of interest to you around the concept of advertising. This article might include current trends in advertising, advertising effectiveness, issues within marketing, and ethical implications of advertising. Note that these are simply ideas; please expand upon the ideas while remaining within the parameters of advertisements’ contribution to effective marketing campaigns. Address each of the following in a two-page, double-spaced response:Briefly summarize the article.Explain how advertising enhances the overall concept of integrated marketing communication (IMC) within a company.After reading the article, describe one major concept that you will take away from this learning exercise.Be sure to cite and reference the article you chose. Plus, use and cite one additional, credible source to support your two-page response. Use APA style to format your assignment, and make certain to include a title page and references page.

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