Communication and technology discussion hello,Respond to two discussions minimum 150 word feedback to the assignmentposts are attached. Technology has chan
Communication and technology discussion hello,Respond to two discussions minimum 150 word feedback to the assignmentposts are attached. Technology has changed society in an epic
way. Moreover, society has changed in an even
more epic way. Technology allows for more
convenient, and fast methods of announcing
major topics, as well as communicating with
the people. With that being said, the
government has utilized technology to the
fullest potential. We live in a society that
thrives off of all of these different networks
which makes the terms of conducting business
using technology easy. There are so many
ways to share information and manage
establishments, and to be quite honest
because of the circumstances we face its a lot
more effective to do things that way. Which is
why these very strategic methods of control
work so well. Framers would’ve never
imagined national government to play such a
superior role, let alone to have such a great
strategic methods of control.
The beginning vision of the government has changed
without a doubt with time in a significant amount.
Division between government power was clear when it
was envisioned at first with no overlap in authority. This
decision was originally made due to all states diversity in
their population,and the people’s needs. Unlike today’s
its can be compared to a can of worms with overlaps
across the different governments. For example state
issues driver’s license to the citizens of the state. Back
then it was considered that states should “stay in their
lane”. In other words each state worried about its
people, rights,laws, and the other states could not come
in between. Today a license from another state is valid
while conducting in other states. The initial view point of
a small government has definitely changed especially
with our society, and the technology. Technology has
made it easier for the government to intertwine many
things and it has its pros and cons. For example a
marriage license is issued and its validation in all states.
Also a criminal is still a criminal in another state, and still
has to be charged. This is all thanks to today’s society
and systems, but sometimes the federal government
posses too much power. At times state government and
local governments need federal funding and most of the
times there are strings attached when it comes to this
money. This money can be given, but have to be used as
agreed to the terms and conditions it was agreed to. For
example the money can only be used for what it said it
needed to be used for and include non discrimination
provisions. Overall the federal government has its lever
and has control. The vision of a small controlled
government is not what stands as of today but more like
a form of government with several strings attached.
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