Conceptual Homework 5A conceptual hw 5a Conceptual Homework 5A 1) Suppose you want to know if there is any association between soda consumption and obesity

Conceptual Homework 5A conceptual hw 5a Conceptual Homework 5A
1) Suppose you want to know if there is any association between soda consumption and obesity in children.
a) Think about how you would go about organizing such a statistical study. What steps would you have to
take/what items would you need to include in order to get it off the ground?
b) In your statistical study what is the:
• Population?



Sample Statistics?
c) Given the 4 sampling methods that we have discussed, which one makes the most sense in your study?
d) Why did you choose this method?
2) Let’s say that polls show that 53% of voters plan to vote for Candidate A in the upcoming election with a
margin of error of 4%. Can you safely predict that Candidate A will win the election? Explain your answer.

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