CPMGT301 Week 2 Project Phoenix Communication Management Plan Create a 550-word Communication Management Plan for the project scenario you chose in Week 2.
CPMGT301 Week 2 Project Phoenix Communication Management Plan Create a 550-word Communication Management Plan for the project scenario you chose in Week 2.Develop a table (insert in your paper) in which you identify project stakeholders and indicate their influence on the project. Make sure you discuss the information contained in the table. In other words do not just include a table, there must be discussion of what your table is showing and telling the reader. Note the Table contents are not counting against the word count for the assignment.Discuss what communication mediums/methods will be used for each project stakeholder (that you just identified) and why they are the most effective.Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. PKi�FN undefined�XMs����#���*���M君F�=�ؖ����”Ak�PRZ�)#/�$�����2�1E��x�uc�ils�/F���w����u�ڳm� ������4�K2�ho�R?�6�Y�}sG�W���S��_�g#Ŋ�����4�镺W�O?`[�ru%��ɨmK�t0��Ƶ639]l[چ��Po�x�-��S��nz��*8��9���$W�mՎ���0g�S�z��t����6���f����t����j�>
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