Critical thinking Zwerdling postcard collection Theory components Development of theory requires understanding of selected scholarly terms, definitions, a

Critical thinking Zwerdling postcard collection Theory components

Development of theory requires understanding of selected scholarly terms, definitions, and assumptions so that scholarly review and analysis may occur. Attention is given to terms and defined meanings to understand the theory development process that was used. Therefore the clarity of terms, their scientific utility, and their value to the discipline are important considerations in the process.

Hage (1972) identified six theory components and specified the contributions they make to theory. Three categories of theory components are presented as a basis for understanding the function of each element in the theory-building process: concepts and definitions, relational statements, and the linkages and ordering.

Theory Components and Their Contributions to the Theory

Theory Components Contributions to the Theory Examples
Concepts and Definitions
Concepts Describe phenomena Age Exercise
Theoretical definitions of concept Establish meaning How long someone has been alive A person being active
Operational definitions of concept Provide measurement Years of life Number of hours of being active
Relational Statements
Theoretical statements Relate concepts to one another; permit analysis Exercise decreases with age.
Operational statements Relate concepts to measurements The hours of activity decrease with more years of life.
Linkages and Ordering
Linkages of theoretical statements Provide rationale of why theoretical statements are linked; add plausibility A 2013 CDC study reported that more than 30% of adults aged 65 or older report no leisure-time physical activity (CDC, 2013).
Linkages of operational statements Provide rationale for how measurement variables are linked; permit testability Self-reports of amount (hours) are practical, easy to administer to large groups, and cost-efficient. They are also generally well accepted and place relatively low burden on and interfere little with the usual habits of the individual. However, they are prone to either overestimation or underestimation because of inaccurate recall, social desirability, and misinterpretation (Falck et al., 2016).
Organization of concepts and definitions into primitive and derived terms Eliminates overlap (tautology) Older adults would be healthier if they exercised.
Organization of statements and linkages into premises and derived hypotheses and equations Eliminates inconsistency Older adults participate in fewer hours of exercise in a week. Older adults have increased risk of health problems. Therefore a decrease in exercise increases the risk of health problems.

CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Concepts: Abstract Versus Concrete

Abstract Concepts Concrete Concepts
Transport Stretcher, wheelchair, hospital bed, ambulance
Vascular disease Stroke, myocardial infarction, peripheral vascular disease
Telemetry Electrocardiogram, Holter monitor
Loss of relationship Divorce, widowhood, suicide
Nurse competency Cultural, IV insertion, drug calculation
Critical thinking activities

1. Examine a photograph from the Zwerdling Postcard Collection: Pictures of Nursing, located at the U.S. National Library of Medicine, (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Look at the photograph for a minute, and ask yourself, What do I see? Make a list. Come back to the photo a second time, and ask yourself if this list is accurate. Then ask yourself what question comes to mind when looking at the photo. What is missing from the photo? What is missing from the situation? How did the situation in the photo occur and why? Each type of question will lead to different types of thinking.

Write at least 250 words about it.

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