CRJ412 Critical Thinking International Terrorism Write a 625- to 700-word essay in which you respond to each of the following questions Be able to describ

CRJ412 Critical Thinking International Terrorism Write a 625- to 700-word essay in which you respond to each of the following questions

Be able to describe international threats from both political and religious perspectives
Explain how the term terrorism has evolved

Sources need to be used are: (the accsess to the CT2Learn would be provided for the writer)

Military Guide to Terrorism in the 21st Century (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Chapter 1 – The Face of Terrorism Today
Chapter 3 – Terrorist Organizational Models
Appendix A – Terrorist Planning Cycle
Psychology of Terrorism (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Read the section: Contemporary psychological research on terrorism

Excerpt from the documentary “The crisis of civilisation” –

after using these 3 sources then you can use other sources from the web.

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