CS340 Grantham Filesystem Manipulation and Permissions Paper For admin tasks you will need to switch to the root user: Filesystem Manipulation & Permission
CS340 Grantham Filesystem Manipulation and Permissions Paper For admin tasks you will need to switch to the root user: Filesystem Manipulation & Permissions
Your Task
Locate and utilize linux system administration commands to create users and groups. Standard
linux commands will be used to allocate specific user and group permissions for files and
For admin tasks you will need to switch to the root user:
Part 1: User and Group Creation
“sudo su -“
Create 3 new groups:
Create 2 new users named “steve” and “lucy” with the following attributes:
default shell is /bin/bash
comment (GECOS) field contains full names (Steve Smith / Lucy Goosey)
steve primary group = math additional group = science
lucy primary group = cs additional group = science
Make your own account members of all three groups.
Part 2: Create New Filesystems
Like we did last week, add 1 new 50 MB Fixed Size Virtual Disk to your linux Partition. This is
done using the Virtual Box interface while your Linux Virtual Machine is shut down.
Using fdisk create 3 new 15 MB “linux” partitions on this newly added virtual disk.
Using mkfs.ext4, create 3 new filesystems on each new logical partition and mount them with
the names below:
Once your filesystems are created and mounted, add an entry for each one in the /etc/fstab file in
the corret format such that they automatically mount up when you reboot. Use UUID for the
device so that the filesystem mounts even if the device address changes. Test and verify it is
working by rebooting.
Part 3: Permissions
Set group owner of /cs to “cs”
Set group owner of /math to “math”
Set group owner of /science to “science”
Create a directry in /cs called cs_homework
Create a directory in /math called math_homework
Create a directory in /science called science_homework
Adjust permission so only the owner and members of the group “cs” can access the “cs”
Adjust permission so only members of the group “math” can access the “math”
Adjust permission so anyone can access the “science” filesystem.
Note: you can use the “touch” command to create an empty file for testing. i.e. touch file1
Create a file in /cs/cs_homework which only lucy can access with read only access.
Create a file in /cs/cs_homnework which all members of cs group can access with read
only access.
Create a file in /math/math_homework which only steve can access with read and execute
Create a file in /math/math_homework which all members of group math can access with
read and execute access.
Create a file in /science/science_homework which both steve and lucy can access with
read and execute.
Create a file in /science/science_homework which only steve can access with read / write
/ execute access.
Create a file in /science/science_homework which only lucy can access with read / write /
execute access.
Create a file in /science/science_homework which anyone can access with read / write /
execute permissions.
Use the long listing command to show filesytem, directory, and file permissions and capture
Using the “df” commands, report how much space total space is allocated to each filesystem and
how much is used. Report how many inodes are allocated and how many are used.
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