CTU Software Engineering Processes & Methodologies In the final week, you have met with the customer and provided a real description of the software requir
CTU Software Engineering Processes & Methodologies In the final week, you have met with the customer and provided a real description of the software requirements engineering process from inception through validation, described functional and nonfunctional requirements, and described how you would perform requirements management and engineering, analysis, and development. Use case diagrams have been produced to define the SRSs developed with customer feedback. Customers desire verification and validation of the requirements, traceability and test documentation, therefore, this process was revealed in detail in the previous assignment. Now, it will be your task in this assignment, Appendix A, to do the following:
Prove the effectiveness of the agile methods used to development the requirements, documentation, and software by describing the agile approach or activities used for the development
Describe the methodology (practices, tools) and techniques (developing use cases) used to develop your final Software Requirements Specification (SRS) This Appendix A should be added to your final SRS document delivered in Unit 5. Requirement Management Practices and Plan
Antonio Larkin
Software Requirements
Topics of Discussion
IEEE standards used
Introduction and purpose of requirement management within
Goals and practices used during REQM of the project
Requirement management tools
Use of requirement management to produce metrics
IEEE Standards Used
There are various set of standards as per the Institute of Electrical and
Electronic Engineers that were incorporated during the requirement
management process.
Some of the standards used include IEEE std. 1233-1998, IEEE std. 830-1998,
The reason for choosing to comply with the standards by default was because:
They helped fuel compatibility and interoperability.
Product development would be simplified
As for the client, he/she would be in a position to compare the product with
other competing products.
IEEE Std. 1233 – 1998
The IEEE standard 1233-1998 is one of the standards which was used during
the requirements management process.
This standard addressed conditions for integration of working models, design
constraints, and design structure necessities to description.
For example, the test script.
Having identified the necessary requirements, the standard enabled the
identification of the necessary characteristics and qualities of those
requirements for example performance.
This guide therefore identifies the requirements as system requirements
IEEE Std. 830-1998 & SEI CMMI
The IEEE std. 830-1998 defines the subjects and features of a good software
requirement specification.
The requirements of software to be developed are hence specified. Having
identified the software to be developed(Banking), the standard was crucial for
the task.
On the client’s part, the standard enables informed decisions during the
selection of in-house and commercial software products.
SEI CMMI, on the other hand, certifies the credibility of our products through
assessment against a five process maturity level.
During software requirement management, the characteristics of the effective
processes are described.
This will be defined during the test case.
Introduction and purpose of requirements
management within CMMI
Requirement management is the process of defining, documenting, analyzing,
and prioritizing the requirements of the project.
Under our project, this comes in between project elicitation.
While coming up with the requirements management plan, three primary
sections are crucial for review:
Introduction of the plan
Management overview of the process and responsibilities
Requirements section.
All the requirements processes together manage all the requirements received
or generated by the project.
(Fernández-Corugedo, J, 2011)
The requirements management primarily manages necessities of the project
yields and their constituents.
This ensures the configuration between those necessities and the scheme’s plan
and work yields.
For example, while covering the system related non-functional requirements as
the broader component in the project management, other elements come in
such as security, and performance.
Goals and practices used during REQM
for the project
The primary goal for the project is to minimize the long queues experienced in
banking halls and substitute the services digitally for access over mobile
devices and laptops.
This involves coming up with a software enabling the sending, and withdrawal
of money among other transactional services.
Four broad processes were used during requirement management. They
Defining all the requirements
Documenting them
Analyzing the requirements according to their capability and role
Prioritizing them
(Yelmo, J, 2011)
Dividing the requirements into functional and non-functional was crucial for
deciding on instances when scripting was vital and how it would be done.
This would also enable the quick identification of the necessary tools which
would be required during implementation.
Requirement management tool
Requirement management software are important during specification mainly
at major firms.
Such tools include requisite pro, Case spec, DOORs, Open Source RM, and
For this project, requisite pro would suite best.
This tools systematically improves the creation and maintenance of
requirements enabling the building of effective and high-quality software.
It enables planning, eliciting client’s requirements, building use cases,
managing and changing the requirements, and transforming requirements into
(Rausch, A, 2013).
Requirement Management to Produce
Requirement management may indicate the efficiency and quality of the plan.
In this case, process metrics improves the software development.
Special attributes can be used to write requirements thereby increasing the
quality of the software.
These attributes are collectively known as specifications.
Traceability is therefore maintained in requirement documents.
Requirement management is crucial in any project development.
Adhering to the standards set by governing bodies e.g. IEEE is crucial to
ensure satisfaction of clients and that no violations occur.
During requirement management, identifying the problem, the goal, and the
practices required is equally necessary as it’s the core of knowing how to go
about the project.
As in this project, the functional and non-functional requirements are identified
hence much ease while choosing the resources required.
Ibe, M., Vogel, M., Schindler, B., & Rausch, A. (2013). Create: A co-modeling
approach for scenario-based requierements and component-based architectures.
In International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (pp. 220-227).
Yelmo, J., & Fernández-Corugedo, J. (2011). An experience of educational
innovation for the collaborative learning in Software Engineering.
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 6(2), 2632.
Li, M. (2005, May). Expanding the horizons of software development
processes: A 3-D integrated methodology. In Software Process Workshop (pp.
54-67). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
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