Cultural competency is an important aspect for nurses Cultural competency is an important aspect for nurses to develop in their practice. “Nurses have the

Cultural competency is an important aspect for nurses Cultural competency is an important aspect for nurses to develop in their practice. “Nurses have the unique opportunity to learn about many cultures and grow their cultural competency skills because of their frequent, if not daily, care of patients from different cultures (Rahimaghaee & Mozdbar, 2017),” (Falkner, 2018). The more experiences and patients nurses care for, the more they will continue to develop their cultural awareness. Providing appropriate and better care to patients without discrimination is an important statement you stated. Nurses need to be nonjudgmental and understanding when it comes to all their patients with different backgrounds. I agree that the presence of family members is very important when providing care for the patient. Support systems, especially when theres a cultural difference, is very important for helping the patient feel safe.

Falkner, A. (2018). Cultural Awareness. Health Promotion: Health and Wellness Across the Continuum.Retrieved from…

Rahimaghaee, F., & Mozdbar, R. (2017). Cultural intelligence and its relation with professional competency in nurses. Nursing Practice Today, 4(3), 115-124.

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