CVEN442 UDC Water Resources Engineering do your best if you have q just ask me and thank you ……………………………………………………..

CVEN442 UDC Water Resources Engineering do your best if you have q just ask me and thank you ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1/23
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Department of Civil Engineering
CVEN 442 and CVEN 542-Water Resources Engineering
Assignment 1: Field Observation
Submission Required: Wednesday, January 30, 2019
This course is fundamental to Water Resources and Environmental Engineering which emphasizes
the use of mathematics to represent hydrologic and hydraulic processes. These processes often
appear to be precise but may also seem to be unconnected with both engineering practice and reality.
To understand the connection between theory and practice, the understanding should begin with an
appreciation of an engineering project as it actually exists or might exist or a hydrologic process that is
relevant to engineering. This first assignment is intended to ground you firmly in reality, before you
become immersed in mathematical and physical manipulations.
Thus, you should visit a water resources engineering project (man-made) convenient to where you
live or travel. Your goal is to find a place where there is a flow of water, and observe the system. Or
you can observe a hydrologic related natural phenomenon such as rainfall event and/or related
processes. The existing project itself may be a ‘drop’ structure on a small stream, a storm sewer
outfall, a control section on a river or flow through a culvert, a bridge, a stormwater management
project, or flow of runoff on the road or flow that occurs due to rainfall. (Warning: the project should
not be too large or your observations may be too superficial; a small project is most likely best). You
should look at how the fluid (WATER) and its flow characteristics behave in the observed
environment. Think about it’s physical aspects & design.
In a well-organized essay of no more than 3 pages (typed) or 5 pages (hand written), describe the
hydrologic or hydraulic behavior of the project you visit (you can add drawings, photos in appendix).
Your essay should consider the following points. The attention given to any item may vary depending
on the nature of the project you chose. You may organize your essay in any way that suits you.
However, keep in mind that the overall theme is to observe and describe both the project and the flow
taking place within it. Sketches or photographs of the project may be used but are not required.
Describe the physical setting of the project. That is how big it is? What is the arrangement of
the components? What material are they made from? What is approximate age and physical
condition of the project? Using your knowledge of physical understating, speculate on the
purpose of the project.
Spend some time trying to classify the flow conditions. Is the flow you observe simple or
complex? Think how you may express that condition mathematically.
Can you estimate the quantity of flow, or volume of flow?
Can you describe the fluid characteristics in an analytical way using mathematics?
Comment on the relationships of the flowing water and the structure and/or processes.

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