Day Age Interpretation, concordist interpretations Discussion Questions Emily Day-Age Interpretation One biblical strength I found in the textbook about
Day Age Interpretation, concordist interpretations Discussion Questions Emily
Day-Age Interpretation
One biblical strength I found in the textbook about the Day-Age Interpretation concordist position was that for the first six days, there is a distinction between morning and evening – “God saw all that He had made, and it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning – the sixth day” Genesis 1:31. In Genesis 2:3 however, there is no clarification as to when God finished His work – “By the seventh day God had finished the work He had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work” Genesis 2:3. The textbook suggests that each day was created millions/billions of years apart, and that since there is no clarification on the seventh day, that we very well could currently be living in the seventh day.
One weakness I found in this position is that the scientific data does not support the order of events in Genesis. Genesis states that on the third day, God made seed-bearing trees and fruit bearing trees; and on the fourth day, He made the sun, moon and stars. Scientists see fault in this position because it is impossible for plants and living organisms to survive millions of years without sunlight.
Strengths and weaknesses of the four concordist interpretations.
Young Earth: The Young Earth model at one point seemed to be narrow minded. I think it was created so that one point of view and one idea would be presented as the true creation of Earth. Without looking at any other facts or any other opinion they believe that one flood started everything. I disagree with this theory. I believe the word of GOD.
Gap: The gap in time tries to answer the question “How old is the Earth?” On one side it tries to explain why the Earth is older but on the other hand why life started later. The scientific evidence does not back this theory at all. If life did not start until 10 thousand years ago. Why is there proof of life before then?
Day-Age: This theory would help to explain why so many people lived hundreds of years in the Bible. Interpretation of time would have been very different in early biblical times. Seconds could have been days, minutes could have been years. God gave us the power to think and to create. We may not agree on the exact age of when and what was created but we do believe that God created it all.
The Davidic Covenant made in 2 Samuel is seen in a few parts of the Bible including the writings of Isaiah and Jeremiah. Much like the pastors of today, part of a prophet’s job was to know God’s Word and let their people know how they were measuring up so to speak.
The Davidic Covenant was in some ways a continuation of previous covenants from God to His people. It has a list of guidelines followed by a promise if Israel complies. One of the first promises is that David’s son will build the temple. God also tells David that his kingdom will continue, which leads one to believe it will be through his own bloodline unlike Saul. It also promises blessings to the sons of David as long as they are faithful. Here again we see Israel’s sin cycle referenced. The reference of the throne being forever alludes to the future coming of Jesus who was promised to come through the lineage of King David. This promise was fulfilled in the New Testament.
Isaiah saw this covenant as God giving the kingdom to David provided David stays faithful to God unlike his predecessor, Saul. Isaiah seemed to feel that this covenant applied to all kings though, not just David – he was simply the starting point.
Although the Davidic Covenant was made with David, both Isaiah and Jeremiah understand it in their own way.
This question starts off with a promise God made to David for all of his hard work. David wants to build a temple for the ark of the covenant, because he feels it needs a better place to reside, other than a tent. God sends Nathan to him and tells him not to build a temple for the ark, but that his plans are to build a house for him. When God says this to David, he does not mean a house to stay in, but a house of descendants. God’s plan is to have David’s descendants be the people that establish the throne forever. Just like with Abraham, it seems that God has picked David to continue the generations. As it is written in the following books, the Messiah will come from the house of David, which will essentially save mankind from sin. God’s promise to David lays out his plan for the future generations. He knows man is going to sin, and he knows the one that can save them all will come from the house of David.
As the books continue, we meet Isaiah. Isaiah is shocked at the behavior of Israel, and knows that Israel has broken its covenant with God once again. Isaiah tries to remind Israel of the covenant, and what he is capable of. God even comes before Isaiah in all of his glory, which makes Isaiah feel so bad because of his sin. It is in this moment, God forgives him and tells him to go and tell the people about their sins and the consequences of their sin. Isaiah tells the people of their future, which is sent into exile, but then saved from their own sin.