Daytona College The Meaning and Value of Work Case Study Please complete Case study. The case Study is attached below you will have to read the case study
Daytona College The Meaning and Value of Work Case Study Please complete Case study. The case Study is attached below you will have to read the case study and write a report. Instructions and ethics case study are attached below. Questions to be answered are below the case study marked as Discussion Questions. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you You should complete the cases after reading the corresponding chapter and working through the course
learning tools for that chapter. The cases must be answered thoroughly and professionally. Cases
should be prepared in Microsoft Word and uploaded to the appropriate assignments folder on or before
their due date. The answers must be numbered and the text of each question must be included. Each
case is worth 100 points.
90 – 100 points: Each case question is answered accurately, thoroughly, and professionally.
Professionalism in writing includes proper spelling, grammar and presentation. Outside research will be
presented- AND – Reference to textbook concepts will be presented. You will provide proper citations
for all research. Citations will be “live links” if referring to online sources.
80 – 90 points: Each case question is answered accurately, thoroughly, and professionally.
Professionalism in writing includes proper spelling, grammar and presentation. May be missing one of
the two: outside research or reference to textbook concepts AND/OR sources are listed but it is not
clear how information from the sources was used AND/OR to which answers the sources apply.
70 – 80 points: In addition to the possible omissions in the 80 – 90 points range, your answers may not
be thorough. This is A Gordon Rule writing course.
Below 70 points: One or more case questions is not answered or is answered incorrectly, AND/OR the
case is not presented professionally AND/OR the answers lack both outside research and reference to
textbook concepts.
You can not score a 70 or above if you are lacking BOTH outside research and reference to textbook
concepts. Your answers can NOT all be based on opinion or uncited material.
Note: is used to determine case originality. Case submissions with an Originality Report
higher than 60% may NOT earn more than one-half credit. Submissions with 80% or higher will earn NO
points. It is up to the instructor whether cases may be re-submitted.
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