Death Penalty Is it Lawful Is it Moral Is it just Size: 7-8 pages (12000-14000 characters) Evaluation criteria for the papers: Focus on the topic Inform

Death Penalty Is it Lawful Is it Moral Is it just Size: 7-8 pages (12000-14000 characters)

Evaluation criteria for the papers:

Focus on the topic

Informative (thorough assessment of the facts)

Clear analysis and argumentation.

Good structuring

Originality of ideas and presentation.

Respecting the size and the timing. LAW AND LEGAL SYSTEMS
Assignments to students II:
Dragomir Yordanov

Individual paper on the topic: “Death penalty: is it
lawful? Is it moral? Is it just? – example of a country”

Size: 7-8 pages (12000-14000 characters)

Timing: end of the semester
Evaluation of papers

Papers = 2nd interim evaluation

Evaluation criteria for the papers:

Focused on the topic
Informative (thorough assessment of the facts)
Clear analysis and argumentation
Good structuring
Originality of ideas and presentation
Respecting the size and the timing

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