Deborah and Jezebel contrast analysis I need a minimum 275 word summary answering the following: I have included a sample reply from one of the other stud

Deborah and Jezebel contrast analysis I need a minimum 275 word summary answering the following:

I have included a sample reply from one of the other students for reference.


This week you were assigned a series of texts from the Hebrew Bible that presented various depictions of women in Israelite and Judean society during the Iron Age (c. 1000-586 BCE). Keeping in mind issues of source bias, motivation, and the limitations of primary source documentation, I want you to Compare and contrast the depiction of Deborah with that of Jezebel according to the texts. How is each woman depicted in her respective narrative? What similarities exist? What differences? With regard to women in positions of power, how do Deborah and Jezebel differ?

Please remember to defend your interpretations and arguments with citations from the texts to support your claims.


Sample reply:

According to the Hebrew Bible, Jezebel and Deborah were a complete contrast of each other. In where Jezebel is showcased as one of the most dangerous seductresses in the bible who had been denounced as a murderer, a whore, and an enemy of the lord. While Deborah was know as a heroine of the old testament and a prophet, according to the song of Deborah she was the mother of Israel. Jezebel on the other hand isn’t depicted in such a flattering way. She was despised by her people and by a powerful prophet Elijah because she didn’t follow the worship of the same god Yahweh. Jezebel worshiped the nature god Baal. Jezebel in her own way was a rebel of her society because she didn’t allow her being queen to stop her from practicing her own beliefs and bringing people who followed her beliefs. She was accused of murdering many Yahweh prophets. Jezebel was killed by a man promised the throne if he did, she was well aware of the attempt against her and instead of running away she dressed up and applied makeup and looked every bit a seductress.

Similarities between the two are very limited to the fact they were each were women that in their own way have had at one point a position of power or a position exert some type of power over others. They both acted in ways that are presumed to protect their own. Jezebel was a queen in Israel who protected her beliefs for Baal by going against those who believe in Yahweh. Deborah was a prophet and the fourth judge of Israel who happened to the the only female judge mentioned in the Hebrew bible. She was the reason Israel went against Canaan and defeated them which in turn led to a peace in the land for 40 years.

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