Difference Between Talent And Strength Discussion I need one paragraph response to a discussion board about the difference between talent and strength. And

Difference Between Talent And Strength Discussion I need one paragraph response to a discussion board about the difference between talent and strength. And I need another paragraph response to a classmate. Please use Strength’s Finder’s by Clifton to suuport the discussionPlease fins the description attached I need one paragraph for this dissection post:
Rath (2007) opens the reader’s eyes to understanding the difference between strength and
talent. He gives several examples of people who have talent/motivation but not necessarily
operating in their strengths (Rudy Ruettinger from Notre Dame and even Michael Jordan). On page
20 he outlines that strength consists of both talent and investment; he states, strength is
talent X investment.
Many times we think because a person has talent (great athlete, excellent cook; awesome singer
etc.,) that they are operating in their strength. what is the difference between talent and strength. Is
there a difference? Or do they work together?
Then, I need one paragraph response to this classmate response:
Although talent and strength are different, they work together. Talent is a natural skill,
something you’re blessed with from the start. For example, being naturally athletic or being
naturally artistic, are few of the many qualities that people can have. These talents can be
productively applied and built upon by developing the strength to do so. For example, if
you’re naturally artistic but don’t practice on your talent/your craft than how do you expand
on it? That’s talent gone to waste. Same concept can be applied to being naturally athletic; if
you’re naturally athletic but aren’t strong on the field, you’d have to build on your
athleticism to gain your strength. According to the text, “You cannot be anything you want
to be – but you can be a lot more of who you already are.” (Rath, 9) Raw talent can only take
us so far which is why we should put invest time into our talents and our strengths instead of
focusing on our shortcomings. By focusing on our talents and our strengths, we allow more
room for growth and to become a better person. For example, if I’m naturally talented at
painting, I should invest my time, my strength, into painting instead of accounting which
will allow me to live a better (and possible) best life.

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