Discussion Response and Questions RULES When you submit a forum posting, be sure to use the “CAPCON SYSTEM,” described below Your forum grades depend

Discussion Response and Questions RULES

When you submit a forum posting, be sure to use the “CAPCON SYSTEM,” described below

Your forum grades depend on how well you learn and show you’ve learned CONCEPTS introduced in your textbook. To do this you must use the CAPCON system for all assignments. Whenever you are applying a TEXTBOOK CONCEPT, type it in ALL CAPS. Also, whenever you apply a TEXTBOOK CONCEPT, don’t just “name drop” it. That is, don’t just state the concept. You have to explain what the concept is and how it applies. Be sure to note the video you are discussing.


I saw the video on an astrologer reading someone’s personality. It was so fake I could tell he was making it up!


VIDEO VIEWED: This is a review of Jon Smith’s video on Astrology. Mr. Smith, the astrologer, claimed to use his client’s horoscope to predict that “something good will happen in the future” and that the client “recently had an accident.” In term of the textbook, the astrologer’s reading use using two tricks: VAGUE READINGS that can be interpreted in any way, and UNIVERSAL FACTS that apply to nearly everyone (nearly everyone has had a recent accident, even a small one.”


Part 1: Pick three paranormal claims you tend to believe in.

Part 2: Then pick three paranormal claims you do not believe in.

Part 3: Then ask a friend, relative, classmate, or roommate three paranormal claims they believe in (first define what a “paranormal claim is” perhaps showing them this syllabus or Chapter 2 in your text.

For each of the nine paranormal claims you have collected:

Explain how it is paranormal, how it precisely fits your textbook definition. If it is not quite paranormal, explain why. (Remember, a weird claim may be strange, silly, or stupid . . . yet not paranormal!)
Explain which of 8 types of paranormal claims in the Paranormal Spectrum it illustrates.

(200 word minimum for main posting. Respond to and comment on at least two other postings. All forums worth 10 points)


Paranormal Spectrum


Part 1. 3 Paranormal claims I tend to believe in:

1. Acupuncture (not as a cure or release of energy, but more as type of reflexology) PARANORMAL because it cannot be observed (in terms of directing energy I assume) and science wouldn’t have an adequate explanation. (LOWER-LEVEL PARANORMAL CLAIM/BORDERLINE/GRATUITOUS PARANORMAL CLAIMS)

2. Homeopathy (some, limited) PARANORMAL because there may be several other explanations to explain getting better that haven’t been ruled out. So the healing powers of these remedies have not been properly observed or backed by science. (LOWER-LEVEL PARANORMAL CLAIM/BORDERLINE/GRATUITOUS PARANORMAL CLAIMS)

3. Meditation PARANORMAL because it’s effects cannot be observed or explained by science. (LOWER-LEVEL PARANORMAL CLAIM/BORDERLINE/GRATUITOUS PARANORMAL CLAIMS)

Part 2. 3 Paranormal claims I do NOT believe in:


2. Reincarnation is a PURELY SUPERNATURAL IDEA that is off limits to science but discussed extensively in Holy Scriptures (HIGHER-LEVEL PARANORMAL CLAIM-SPIRITUAL ENTITIES)

3. Bible code is also a PURELY SUPERNATURAL IDEA that is off limits to science but discussed extensively in Holy Scriptures (HIGHER-LEVEL PARANORMAL CLAIM-SPIRITUAL ENTITIES)

Part 3. 3 paranormal claims my friend believes in:

1. Healing touch (reiki) is PARANORMAL in terms of HIGH-LEVEL PARANORMAL CLAIM – SIMPLE ENERGIES in that it is complex and organized (my friend is actually certified in this art)

2. Homeopathy is again a HIGH-LEVEL PARANORMAL CLAIM – SIMPLE ENERGIES in that it is complex and organized. My friend also studied natural remedies in massage school.

3. Spirits are PARANORMAL according to the text categorized as HIGHER LEVEL PARANORMAL CLAIM – INTELLIGENT FORCES AND ENTITIES. My friend’s brother passed away over 20years ago, yet she sill feels his “presence” and that he is watching over her and guiding her.

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