Disease Model Treatment Program Introduction: For this assignment, imagine you are a counselor working in a disease model treatment program. A case study
Disease Model Treatment Program Introduction:
For this assignment, imagine you are a counselor working in a disease model treatment program. A case study will be selected for you. The person in your selected case study will represent the “client” who is seeking help from your program.
Complete the following sections for this assignment:
Introduction—In this section of the paper:
Identify the client from the case study and briefly summarize the client’s demographic characteristics and addictive behavior history that are relevant to the disease models of addiction. This section sets the stage for the next sections.
Applications of Disease Models—In this section:
Apply your understanding of the disease models of addiction to your client. Do client demographics and history suggest that your client suffers from a disease of addiction? Based on your interpretation, what disease model treatment strategies might you recommend for this client?
Sociocultural Factors and the Disease Models—Finally, in the last section:
Describe how sociocultural factors (“medicalization” of addictions through diagnoses, medical treatment, pharmacotherapy, genetic influences, brain scans, and media portrayal of addictions) may affect the client’s perception of the problem and the addictive behavior.
Describe factors that may contribute to the addictive behavior as well as factors that may be helpful in overcoming the addiction from the perspective of the disease models of addiction.
Special Instructions:
Create a 2 page essay in APA format according to the instructions above. Use 2 scholarly sources for references. Be sure to utilize in-text citations. The case study to use for the assignment will be located in the link below. CASE 4
Candace James is 28 years old and has never been married. After admission to the
emergency room from a beating received while trying to obtain crack, she has been
referred to treatment.
28–year–old single Caucasian female, never married, chronic history of physical and
sexual abuse by men, diagnosed with Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Unemployed, lives in a poorly maintained government–subsidized housing project.
Receives disability payments for mental health issues. Graduated high school with good
grades but never pursued further education. No contact with parents or siblings, who
live out of state. No religious affiliation.
Began drinking alcohol in high school with peers, alcohol use increased when abuse
from boyfriends began, eventually tried crack cocaine and began a vicious cycle of
crack use and further exploitation and abuse by men when under the influence or
seeking drugs.
No previous treatment history for addictive behavior.
Ended up in emergency room of local hospital after being beaten and sexually abused
when attempting to trade sex for crack. Referred to treatment by hospital social worker.
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