Diversity And The Strength Perspective Discussion Explain what the means about Diversity and strenghths perspective questions. The textbook Appleby, Colon,

Diversity And The Strength Perspective Discussion Explain what the means about Diversity and strenghths perspective questions. The textbook Appleby, Colon, & Hamilton (2011) stated the following:
“Effective practitioners act on the social work commitment to respect human diversity by placing all
clients in their own cultural context and then drawing on a strengths perspective wherein it is assumed
that all clients possess untapped reserves of mental, physical, and emotional resources that can be
called on to help them develop, grow, and overcome their problems.”
1. Explain what these authors mean
“An ecological perspective, which is supported by a diversity framework, can help the worker to get
beyond the ethnocentric, sexist, class-based, heterosexual formulations of normative theories.”
2. A) Explain what these authors mean B) State whether you agree or disagree and give a justification for
your answer
“It is important to remember that there is often as much diversity within a particular group as between
3. Explain what these authors mean and explain the importance of this statement.
“There seems to be a consensus that practitioners should, at a minimum, start with an awareness of
their own culture; be open to cultural difference; be committed to a client-oriented, systematic learning
style, use cultural awareness, and acknowledge the integrity of culture.”
4. A) Explain what these authors mean B) State why this is important in social work practice with diverse
and oppressed groups.

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