Draw UML Community Board of Realtors Please look at “Community Board of Realtors” case study. Identify ONE use case and decompose into events. Then using t
Draw UML Community Board of Realtors Please look at “Community Board of Realtors” case study. Identify ONE use case and decompose into events. Then using the free tool, Lucid Chart develop a use case diagram. Download your diagram as a PDF.Upload it in PDF format Community Board of Realtors
One of the functions of the Board of Realtors intro- sent to some real estate agents. Some real estate agents
duced in Chapter 2 is to provide a Multiple Listing want the books (which are easier to flip through), so
Service (MLS) system that supplies information that they are provided even though the information is often
local real estate agents use to help them sell houses to out of date. Sometimes, agents and owners decide to
their customers. During the month, agents list houses change information about a listing, such as reducing
for sale (listings) by contracting with homeowners. The the price, correcting previous information on the
agent works for a real estate office, which sends infor- house, or indicating that the house is sold. The real
mation on the listing to the MLS. Therefore, any agent estate office sends in these change requests to the MLS
in the community can get information on the listing. when the agent asks the office to do so.
Information on a listing includes the address, year
built, square feet, number of bedrooms, number of bath-
1. To what events must the MLS system respond? List
rooms, owner name, owner phone number, asking
each event, the type of event, and the resulting use
price, and status code. At any time during the month,
case. Be sure to consider all the use cases that would
be needed to maintain the data in the MLS system,
an agent might directly request information on listings
that match customer requirements, so the agent contacts
thinking in terms of the CRUD technique.
the MLS with the request. Information is provided on
2. Draw a use case diagram based on the actors and
the house, on the agent who listed the house, and on
use cases you identified in question 1.
the real estate office for which the agent works. For
3. Given the information available in the system,
example, an agent might want to call the listing agent
consider yourself a potential customer looking for
to ask additional questions or call the homeowner
real estate. List as many specific use cases you
directly to make an appointment to show the house.
would like to see based on your specific goals.
Once each week, the MLS produces a listing book that 4. Draw a use case diagram for all the use cases for
contains information on all listings. These books are the potential customer you identified in question 3.
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